
Tuesday 22 September 2015

Rejects on Tour - Skirmish Sept 2015

Three Rejects set off on the long journey from Gravesend to Sidcup on Sunday
for a maybe our last visit to the September Skirmish show.
Speaking to one of the organizers, the April show may be being dropped from now on leaving
 just the September one if you're lucky??

I sat at entrance with the 2 loonies above waiting to be let in, Ian was being......well Ian?

Achtung Gringo - Mexican Revolution 1910-1920
Had a good chat with two chaps from Crush the Kaiser, who were playtesting their new rules
for the Mexican Revolution, which will be out on sale at Crisis on on the 7th November
The rules will be supported with figures from Shellhole Scenics and Early War Miniatures.

Greek Myth Skirmish - Skirmish Wargames

WWII - Herne Bay Wargames Club
Had a good chat with Larry, we put the world to rights on decent wargames rules??

Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society - Medieval Siege
There was some really strange looking siege weapons on display!
Love the castle!

Rainham Wargames Club - 15mm ACW

Reject Clint in his alter-ego role as a member of Rainham Wargames Club

The Privateers of London - The Battle of Koh Chan 1941

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Warhammer

Hornchurch Heroes Gaming Club
Had 3 games on the go, one was Star Wars, not sure what the other two were?

Medway Wargames Society

Old Guard - Not sure of the game?

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - Corporate Takeover (Gruntz) 15mm Sci-Fi


And lastly here's my show loot
3 bottles of Army Painter Quickshade Strong, Dark & Soft.
3 packs of Unfeasible Miniatures Tuarag's
Foot with Spear, Foot with Swords and Foot with Rifles
Why I hear you ask? 
For Moors for my Tangiers project of course!

The figures are true 25mm, so are a tad smaller than the Artizan Moroccan above.
I can live with the difference in size, just look at me and midget Postie after all??


  1. Great pictures Ray but the reporting of the show was seriously lacking punch and panache, sad to read and a shadow of previous show reviews!

    1. Anymore of that and you'll get a punch in your panache, but of course it may have to wait a while?

  2. Great post Ray! Far superior than that ne'er do well Clint's. His didn't have any pictures.

    1. I can only agree as I forgot my camera! A serious lapse on my part. But thast is the reality of my life!

    2. That was the first thing Clint said to me. I've forgotten my camera!

  3. The Warhammer set was really cool. Was the Mexican one set in snow?

  4. Impressive show of so many games
    some beautiful tables here ....

    (I don't know how many posts I've missed since my last visit on blogger ... shame on me !)

  5. Cracking post Ray, and grateful to you for showing some great piccies of an event I'll probably never manage to get to - so very much appreciated. Sad to hear they're thinking of cancelling the April show - not enough attendees I suppose? Nice little haul too, and I'll be looking forward to seeing those Moors painted up :-)

    1. Its not a bad little show, its more of a filler show for us though, with SELWG next month. Its primerily a Toy Soldier show and not a wargame show

  6. Was disappointed not to make this year's show, but had to crack on with terrain and other painting for our SELWG game.

  7. Can anyone identify the Oriental game?

  8. Chuck S - re Oriental game: my guess would be RONIN by Osprey. I think this would have been a bit too close to the release of DAISHO, and it looks like counters (Ronin) next to some of the figures. Whatever it is, it looks good - nicely done up table!

  9. Always good to see photographs of a show, your's are far better than a certain "Paint Monkey's", bit sad the organisers are dropping a show from the calender though.

  10. Great looking games; love the siege game, as well as the Greek mythology one too.

  11. Great batch of pics Ray! Thanks for the report!

  12. Nice one Ray. Pretty good pics as well.

  13. Great pictures mate, pity I missed the show. I had every intention of attending but it wasn't to be....still, it means my shopping list for SELWG will be longer!

    1. We did keep an eye out for you. Like you said more dosh for next month!

  14. Great looking show. That siege game reminded me of pictures in books I had as a kid with all the siege equipment in use at once...brilliant stuff.

    1. \the nice chap at the table explained what some of them were called and what they actually did in battle, but alas, my memory not what it used to be.......just ask the Mrs!

  15. Thanks for posting the pics mate.
    If you keep putting picks of me on your blog people will stop visiting here, so you may want to rethink that approach!
    Okay a couple of things, THE SHOW WILL CONTINUE> date already set for 20th April next year. But with different organisers, but it may not continue indefinitely. They are going to run the show in April and judge the response, but they are looking for a bigger and better response from both traders and customers.

    The Old Guard Game was "Lion Rampant" with some high fantasy elements and played at 36 points a side, in all they managed over 7 games in the day so quite fast paced. They also had bases of figures as opposed to individuals so unless you chatted with them quite difficult to work out! (And who apart from you, does not like to see a dragon on the table!?)

    I really like your Tuarags I am tempted to get the laurel and Hardy figures despite having no use for them.

    1. Addendum: The Rainham club game was 20mm ACW. Figures a mix of Kennington and newline Design. (Not 15mm)

    2. Cheers Clint, I shall change some of the info over. I've already got the Stan & Ollie figures, can't wait to get them painted up!

  16. Fantastic pictures and tables! Greek mythology and siege are my favourites...

  17. Great pics Ray :)

    Hope to see you at SELWG in a couple of weeks

  18. Great photos of some impressive games. Thanks Ray!

  19. It looks like a great show Ray, sorry to hear that it may be winding down, or I did I read that wrong?

    1. Well according to the chap at the door, they're dropping the April show and keeping the September one, but Clint seems to think they're both gonna still be on under new management, so I'm none the wiser I'm afraid???

  20. The Old Guard were playing a fantasy version of Lion Rampant. We eagerly await the release of Dragon Rampant.

  21. Nice photo journalism, Ray. I especially like the "Postie Head Lock Move" on a sleeping conventioneer. Then there is the inexplicable floating dice and tape measures!

    Glad you all had fun.

    1. As for the headlock, Ian ddidn't agree that it was his turn to buy the bacon sandwiches, Postie put him right!

  22. Excellent day out for you boys! Many interesting looking games too.

  23. Great pictorial report Ray thanks mate!

  24. Looks an interesting show for you southern softies ;-)


    1. Aye lad, and not a cloth cap, pork pie or whippet in sight??

  25. Ray what did you buy Fran for his B-day :)

    1. Exactly what he bought me on mine.................bugger all!

    2. I bought you that book you wanted!

    3. I told you I wanted a new car, not a book!

    4. Was it least a book about cars?

  26. Great pictures! Thanks for sharing!


  27. It must be tough going to these things without Fran ... to protect you from the lunacy.

    1. Fran was the worst culprit Robert, but he is still missed..................ah bless................the shitbag!

  28. All of the pictures are great but man, I love the sand and the water. So flippin' cool.

  29. Nice photography - if only I could find away in blogger to combine Ray's photos with Clint's prose - now there would be a show report!
