
Saturday 17 October 2015

SELWG 15 Swag

Not exactly sure how much I spent at SELWG this year? It would have been more, if everything on my list was there, but alas it wasn't. So here's a few pics of what I did buy. As per usual it follows the same pattern as most of my buys over the last couple of years, (now there's a surprise)

Quite a bit was spent on Col Bill's stand, another pack of Unfeasibly minis, Tuareg's with Jezail musket, piles of treasure, boxes of food and some Wolves. Also 2 packs of goods to fit on 4Ground wagons and a pack of Perry Bedouin command for my Tangier Moroccans.

I also bought some scenery items from Parkfield minis and an artillery piece and limber and some farm implements for some militia types.

And no trip to a wargame show would be worth it without a few pack of my favorite 15mm figures, Essex minis. I will be painting up a few Spanish units for my NYW collection. No, I don't need them.........I want them! I also bought enough figures for another English Dragoon regt. I've only got 1 so I neeeed another! And another impulse buy was a squadron of French Hussars. There was a regt during the period, but there's no info on their uniform, so I've never bought them before, but hey, what the heck I needs them!

My stupid idiot buy of the show, was from Grubby tanks. Some 25mm cannon balls and barrels from Britannia minis. I pulled out what I wanted and expected to pay a fiver or so, so I was a bit shocked as I handed over £13. Should have given them back for that price! and told him to poke it!

A few close ups. 
Love these clean and crisp Treasure piles from Ainsty Castings
Not sure what I'll do with them but.................

Anyone for an apple or cabbage?
or even some mackerel?

Once again I didn't really need these guys, but wanted the chap on the right, waving his musket
in the air, to use as a commander for my Moroccan musket men.

Finally you can never have enough wolves......can you??



  1. That's a rather modest haul for you Ray. And so little from Essex - those boys will have had to cancel their usual slap up meal at a posh restaurant and just go for a Maccy D's instead ;)

    1. The Essex lads were a little sad. They had no pickle in their cheese sandwich!

  2. So many new figures! Great things, love the treasures and cannonballs...

    1. The tresure bases are rather nice. They'd look even better painted!

  3. The Ainsty castings are an always-dependable way of adding atmosphere to any skirmish setting - looking forward to seeing them table-ready!

    As to your Grubby Tanks purchase, I can only remark; that's a lot of balls. And barrels.

  4. Looks like a great hall! For the first time ever I went home with the money still in my wallet. Just so busy with the table I simply didn't have time for a good rummage...

  5. It was all looking good until the balls and barrels - ouch, but we've all done the same.

  6. It's alway cool to see what other gamer purchase, some nice little items in there Ray, killer when you go to a show and a lot of the gear you want isn't about.

    1. Yep, I do hate it when that happens, its ok buying online, but sometimes you need to see the figures in your hand before you spend your money.

  7. Look on the bright side the cannon balls will be easy to paint! And 14 items for thirteen pounds and they will act as hard cover on the table!
    Feel sorry for "Smiffy" he took a woman to the show and she spent his money for him.... Come to think of it Big Lee did the same, (But she is family at least.)
    Most importantly when are we going to see this Kirke's Lambs donnybrook game you have been talking about for over a year?

    1. The items are very nice, but a bit too pricey! And as for the other two????? I've gotta get hold of Loki for the answer to the last question.

  8. Nice one Ray, what did you buy me? As to the Hussars I think I came across this at one stage, French are they? I remember the uniform as being light blue if so (pants an dolman maybe even the pelisse), lighter than sky blue.

    1. Bugger all for you I'm afraid Dave! Yep the light blue is a WSS uniform but I may have to go along them lines.

  9. Mmmm... Cannonballs, cabbages and wolves. What more could a man want!

  10. There's some very nice stuff there indeed, Ray, especially the Ainsty Castings resin pieces - they look terrific. I know what exactly what you're saying about handing over money in a mystified manner and only later realising just how much a few baubles have actually cost. But there again you did also buy a blister of minis for just the one sculpt ;-) We've all been there as well :-)

    1. I handed over the money then thought, what the hell happened there!?!?! Oh I'll be using the other figures in the pack, but the figures holding his musket in the air is a perfect leader figure.

  11. Some rather nice stuff there Ray! I like the treasure piles!

    1. Everyone seems to like me treasure!! Arrgghh!

  12. Those Ainsty treasure piles look useful

    1. I think you'll find its "Ooo argh Jim lad" :)

  13. What a big shopping list you had. Ray?

  14. No Ray you can never have enough wolves and those warbases ones look lovely. Ray why would you lie to us? Treasure pile equal Junglegrave you know that. :)

  15. Wolves are very necessary to keep the field of battle clean.

  16. Can never have too many wolves. Nice mix of figures and items.

  17. Chuck the treasure piles this way..I can think of a use for them. 15 quid for a pile of cannon balls and a couple of Barrels.? What were they cast with..rare martian tin mixed with the ground bones of a Unicorn?

  18. Hi Ray - Pleased to see you like the Tuaregs, if there any other poses you think would be useful then drop me a line,, always pleased to get feedback. I'm looking to release another pack of Tuaregs...

  19. Nice haul and in particular I like the ainsty casting stuff.


  20. Nice mix of things you bought there Ray. Looking forward to seeing you paint up those figures from Perry's.

  21. Nice haul Ray! Some of those stowage piles look familiar,so it'll be nice to see what you do with them. Were the farm implements from Parkfield minis as well? I might look at them for future projects.

  22. Some useful loot there, I have also been caught out with the 'this small pile of bits cannot possibly be that much' trap.

    1. Funny...I read trap as crap. I think I was right though!

  23. Nice collection of shopping. Looks like you 'enjoyed' yourself!

  24. Wow, that's a lot of cool projects in the works.

  25. Fishing split-shot with the gaps on the inside of the pile make good cannonballs...just saying.

  26. That's a proper bag of swag. I was looking at the very same Ainsty Castings offerings until I realised I'd ran out of cash.

  27. Actually a good haul - despite the cannon balls... ;-)
    Those Ainstry castings look excellent. I'll have to have a look at them at Crisis.

  28. Thanks for heads up, always on the look out for good looking 'accessories'. All 28mm scale?

  29. Some fabulous detail pieces picked up there Ray! Should make your board look really good. I love how you "can't remember how much you spent", good policy, then the Mrs won't find out! LOL.

    1. Unless she reads tge blog Bob, whick luckily for me is highly unlikly!!
