
Tuesday 5 January 2016

Happy New Year & the Nostalgia round.

A very Happy New Year to you all, I hope 2016 brings you all the lead or plastic you want!

For me and lots of other, 2016 bring in Curts Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge. I just
 managed to squeeze in my first entry into this years Challenge, before closing time. 
My two favourite comedians from yesteryear, Laurel & Hardy were my first entry into the first of the bonus rounds, Nostalgia.

I bought these Unfeasibly Miniatures, from Col Bills at Cavalier back in February last year, as a pressie for my Dad, but never got around to painting them, funnily enough I never got around to painting much last year, which hopefully will be rectified this year!!

For some unknown reason, I thought I'd be clever boy and paint Stan & Ollie in greyscale, to relive the old Black & White movies, I love to watch. I asked one of the masters of greyscale Curt, for some tips, "Warm and Cool tones" he said
Good Grief! I replied what the hell is he going on about!!

It was a lot harder than I'd imagined.......
I tried and tried I couldn't get the flesh to look right and ended up with Stan & Ollie the Zombies.
Lastly in true, a la Curt style, I added a splash of red with a poppy red grass tuft.
I photographed the figures on a white background first, which really bleached the figures, so then I chose a sand yellow background, not sure which one looks the best, so I included both pics??

If you fancy voting for Zombie Stan & Ollie or one of the other excellent entries, (Sir M's really is the nuts) click the link to place your vote!



  1. Clint said you wouldn't have the balls to post these, looks like he was very wrong!

    1. Hahaahaha bigger balls than you mate you lying whinge-bag!

    2. Well Fran did say "Budgie Smugglers!" and not Peanut smugglers!

    3. Im just glad he didn't say coconut smugglers'

  2. Nice work and Happy New Year Ray!


  3. Contrary to your own opinion, I think you've done a good job on the faces. As I know from the figures I did in last year's Challenge, greyscale is quite hard - mostly in picking the shades and how to highlight them.

    1. Thanks Tamsin, I won't be repeating my efforts anytime soon!!

  4. Excellent choice for first entry! They've never looked better.

  5. Happy New Year to you too Ray; as the advet goes, "every little helps" so don't be too dispondent over your 2015 effots - you're off to a good start with these two

  6. Interesting - nicely done, too. For some reason this reminds me that a friend of mine (now deceased, but he was a tasty figure painter in his day) had serious colour-vision problems - in particular he had difficulty distinguishing dark green from dark red (which still makes me wonder what it was he saw...), so used to have to get his wife to advise on paint shades. Strange but true!

  7. Very cool, Ray! Hope the new year is good to you!

  8. I'm jealous of you, having Stan and Ollie all to yourself!

  9. I do like they Ray just a shame the photography is so Dark. But with Short days there is only so much you can do!

    Brilliant gift for your Dad. I hope he enjoys them.

    1. It was dark when I took the pics, that's why I tried the yellow background. I'm sure my Dad will like them.

  10. Nice work Ray! Happy New Year.

  11. Very nice and unusual...Happy New Year Ray!

  12. I thought this was great Ray, not an easy thing to do and you've done it brilliantly. May I ask where you got that Poppy tuft from? Thank you also for the kind words!

    1. Thanks Sir M, the poppy tuft was a bit of a cheat really. The tuft is from Realistic Modelling Services pack KJ0871 Barley/Straw, with the red bits pulled off of the red flowers in pack KJ0873 Assorted Flower tufts.

    2. That's a great idea, consider it stolen! :)

  13. Ray, Just a quick line to say that the Dark Ages figs have arrived. They are great, many thanks

    1. Excellent, I hope you find some use for them whatever that is.

  14. Hsppy New Year they look good dude!

    1. Cheers Simon, and a happy new year to you too.

  15. Ray,I think you should have added a ton of kiln dried sand for a good effect with those special fun time figures.I liked those guys too. Classic Fun. BB

    1. Thank Paul, they've always been a favourite of mine!!

  16. Great job on these, Ray! I too love the old B&W classics. Haven't attempted this kind of painting, but can imagine it's way harder than it looks - well done! I'm sure your dad will love them.

    1. I hope he does like them Dean, he betre after all the effort I went to painting the buggers!

  17. A belated Happy New Year!

    Nice work on Laurel and Hardy.
