
Thursday 4 February 2016

AHPC 6 - Defensive Terrain Bonus Round - Dressed to Steal.

These bonus rounds are killing me Curt.....
Usually terrain items are not allowed in the Challenge so I emailed Curt for a little advice. He said "Use your imagination?" So I did!

London, 1688.
Every Saturday night in fine houses members of High Society would meet to party the night away at Balls and Galas. The biggest and most opulent was that of Sir Cloudsy Butterworth, 2nd Earl of Knightsbridge and his good lady wife Winifred.
It was at one such party not long ago that the two roughest villains and vagabonds stole poor Sir Cloudsy's fine collection of Moorish weaponry that he picked up while he served as Vice Governor to Percy Kirke in Tangier. The collection was said to be worth thousands.Quite how the two villains managed to relieve Sir Cloudsy of his treasure is not known.

But who are these two villains??

Recently Terrence Campbell and his good lady wife Denise have moved to London from Cornwall, where they apparently made their fortune in Copper and Tin mining.  They have been invited to all of the recent and forthcoming social events in good ol' London town..........but all is not as it seems. For Denise and Terrence are in fact the Thieves!!
It was them who stole Sir Cloudsy's treasure, it is them who pray on the filthy rich, whom they befriend then steal from.
For they are not really Mr and Mrs Campbell, they are in fact England's two most wanted criminals and have been sentenced to hang as soon as they are caught for previous crimes.

May I present the rouges of the fleapit of London and the masters of disguise..................................Dee Fensiff & Terry Ain!

If you feel inclined pop on over to the Bonus Round page a cast a vote. There are some stunning entries into this round, Millsy and Sir Michael Awdry to name but a few!!!
The figures are from Ainsty Castings from their Three Musketeers range, although I can't find them on their web page??


  1. Nice work Ray but skating on thin fecking ice with this one!

  2. Nice job and quite the story behind the figures. Wouldn't trust a woman with a fan though.

  3. That's a very tenuous link, Ray, but I'll give you full marks for originality. Dee Fensive and Terry Ain indeed!

  4. All I can say is this: Puns are always tough ground to get over.

  5. Pushing the definitions....wouldn't be a wargamers if you didn't!

  6. that lady needs a facial, methinks :) Lovely colours, Ray

  7. "Dee Fensiff & Terry Ain"? touch of genius I'd say!

  8. This was certainly a wonderfully imaginative response, still really lovely though.

  9. Impressive twist on the subject, Ray. Very creative and nicely painted figs to boot.

  10. Your imagination, and your brushes, work very well!

  11. GROAN! Clever, but still a big Groan.

  12. Well I'll say you managed to squeeze water from a rock on this one. That said nice work Ray.


  13. Terrific stuff Ray. I must confess to it taking me ages to work out how this fitted in to the Themed Round. Doh!!!

  14. Had to read it twice, good one Ray!

  15. A very creative attempt to "steal" the topic.
    Cloudsy Butterworth - great name.

    1. The idea for his name comes from the wonderfully named Sir Cloudesley Shovell, a Naval officer during the NYW and WSS.

    2. Very nice! Great colors! Keep em coming!

  16. Great stuff Ray, as always ;-)
