
Sunday 20 March 2016

AHPC 6 Curtgeld - Wild Bill Hickok

The plan was to start Curt's NYW collection off with the Duke of Monmouth as my Curtgeld, but at Cavalier last month I spied this great figure from Knuckleduster and as Curt collected Cowboys in a previous Challenge, I thought I'd add to the collection.
I was going to leave the figure unbased, but in a mad 5 minutes, he got added to the must base pile and before I knew it I was painting the base???
Wild Bill is only my 4th entry into the Challenge!

James Butler Hickok (May 27, 1837 – August 2, 1876)—known as "Wild Bill" Hickok—was a folk character of the American Old West. Some of his exploits as reported at the time were fiction, but his skill as a gunfighter and gambler provided the basis for his fame, along with his reputation as a lawman.

Hickok was born and raised on a farm in rural Illinois. He went west at age 18 as a fugitive from justice, first working as a stagecoach driver, then as a lawman in the frontier territories of Kansas and Nebraska. He fought (and spied) for the Union Army during the American Civil War and gained publicity after the war as a scout, marksman, actor and professional gambler. Hickok was involved in several notable shootouts.

He was shot from behind and killed while playing poker in a saloon in Deadwood, Dakota Territory (now South Dakota) by an unsuccessful gambler, Jack McCall. The card hand which he supposedly held at the time of his death (aces and eights) has come to be known as the "Dead Man's Hand".


  1. Looking good Ray! I'm sure he'll like it.

  2. Great figure, Ray! This is a marvelous sculpt and you painted and based him up excellently.

    1. Its the first Knuckleduster figure I've seen up close and I've gotta say its probably the most detailed figure I've ever bought.

  3. Nice job! Dead Man's Hand - did not know the story behind that.

  4. Lovely Dead Man's Hand story and very nice job Ray...

  5. That's a really good figure, Ray. Good on you for posting some Wild West stuff!

    1. It made a change painting something different???

  6. il est bien beau ce wild bill

    salut a toi ray!

  7. Nice! I like Knuckleduster's figures. They've got a great War of 1812 range.

    1. They are very nice from what I've seen, I'll go take a look at their 1812 range and just sigh.....

  8. Buffalo Bill`s friend Looks Darn Good Ray. BB

  9. Replies
    1. Its a great sculpt and pose that's for sure.

  10. Yee Haw! I am sure Curt will be pleased with this.

  11. That's a hell of a good painting job
    Curt will love it

  12. Great detail on this figure Ray, you genuinally are a skilled artist.

  13. Cracking work Ray - I love it! Nonetheless, next Challenge I'm going to put in a request for a NYW figure to fit the theme. :)

    1. Sounds like a plan, I think the whole challenge should be NYW based.......I might stand a chance of winning then??

  14. Wonderfull painted figure! And also thank you for the historical background!

