
Wednesday 2 March 2016

AHPC 6 Nautical Bonus Round - HMS Dragon

Another continuation for my Tangiers project makes an appearance in the Nautical Bonus round.
Here are the crew of HMS Dragon, who along with the crews from the Ruby, Garland and Guernsey, were ordered ashore by Admiral Herbert......

"Admiral Herbert landed about 500 of the Seamen , he having orders to attend with the fleet during the war, composed of so many companies with a company of Grenadiers, with the compleat number of Officers to each company, of the sea-officer, and volunteers he made choice of Captain George Barthell who formally had been a captain in my Lord Dumbarton's Regiment, to command that battalion of Seamen."

From the Diary of Sir James Halkett Tangier 1680.

The Battalion fought in many skirmishes and in one major battle, so I thought it rude not to include them in the English army.

Nobody makes Sailors for 1680, so I've used Wargames Foundry Pirates, I chose packs that were all musket armed, while Captain Barthell is another old Foundry figure, now sold through their other arm The Casting Room.

These fine looking fellows were entered into the Nautical bonus round, I'm up against some very stiff competition, if you'd like to vote for my or any of the other excellent entries click this link!


  1. Nobody makes Sailors for 1680? You should lodge a complaint!
    Find job on the figures.

  2. Nice entry Ray. That's one mischievous looking crew.

  3. Good to see you posting a less controversial offering - surely you can't get in trouble for this one.

  4. Scurvy dogs every last one of them! Nicely done they look like they could fight on either side!

    1. I'm pretty sure they did fight for both sides Russ.

  5. They look great, Ray. Nice choice for the Challenge.

  6. A fine bunch of scallywags.

  7. Splendid. And very versatile. you could even use these for "En Garde!" if you wanted a pirate theme. All very Errol Flynn as well as tangiers.

    1. That could well be a plan there young chap!

  8. Excellent job mate. Bit out of your depth painting these 28s?

  9. Great work Ray. They sure look like they mean business!

  10. These are a great looking bunch. and quite a chang from your usual 15mm fare.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.
