
Thursday 21 April 2016

Finally....Salute 2016 Part 1

I must be one of the last bloggers to get their Salute post up, time just seems to run by so quickly nowadays???
Anyway on with the show.....which started nice and early for me, Postie and Dave. You may have noticed on others blogs that I was given a 2 press pass tickets for the show, which was not only free, but allowed you early access to the show!! So we set out early, planning to get to the Excel centre at around 8.30, so we could get in around 9.00.....or so we thought??? Some twat, (yes me?) actually forget these free press pass tickets!! So a quick u-turn on the A2, sent us hurtling back to Gravesend!
Thanks go to my pal Dave C, who met us at Nell's Cafe, with the tickets and off we went...again!
Luckily we still got in the show quite quickly, around 9.15, and who did we bump into almost straight away??


None other than Loki....already buying a snack!

Postie and Trevor from Redoubt minis

The queue, Fran's in there somewhere??

On your marks, get set, Go!

The Warbases Team
Martin, Diane and Glen

Looking very busy?
I spent an untold amount here, including some great new wagons 
for the TooFatLardies new rules!

There were a few really stand out games for me, that I'll include in this post. 
The first being this masterpiece of a game, from fellow bloggers Michael, aka Dalauppror, JonasSteve, Jan and Jesper.

The Battle of Foteviken 1134

Is that beer, I see before me???

The tents were works of art in themselves!!

Love the part made longship!

Warfare Miniatures

"I promise the Beneath the Lilly Banners Irish supplement book Is coming out soon, Ray!!"
cried Barry...Toggy just shook his head?? 

Note the dosh in Barry's hand, somehow (it was one of those days?) I managed to
pay again for the figures, I'd already pre-paid for....doh!
I hadn't a clue, until Barry emailed me the next day, what great service!!

Crewe and Nantwich - The Bloody Siege of Bristol, ECW 1643

Another work of art, infact this one made me sick!
And made my feeble attempts at wargaming look quite inadequate!
I was totally in awe!
Well done chaps!

Learn to paint the Army Painter way.

The Seven Years War will always have a special place in my heart.
Wonderful looking figures and terrain!
Oh for that lottery win......
The Battle of Wilhelmstadt, 1762 - Bill Gaskin & Friends

Part 2 soon......fingers crossed!


  1. Great pics of some outstanding tables!

  2. Some great looking games there!

  3. Must admit I was ogling the Viking longships for quite a while. It was a stunning table and they were playing using Lion Rampant rules. What was fantastic was how there were purely scenic elements that gave the whole game atmosphere, but there was still a game in there that the scenery didn't interfere with.

    1. Thanks Lee, glad that you liked our game and that our intention seems to have worked. Indeed we played during the day using the Lion Rampant rules, but we had scaled it up a bit and used one base (with 1,2 or 3 minis on) as one man by the rules.

    2. Loved the ships too, all handmade!!

  4. Some of the best pictures of the Salute games I have seen Ray - thanks for posting.

  5. Definetly amongst the best pics I've seen of probably some of the best games too

  6. Great photos Ray! Looks like you had a great time

  7. Lots of wonderful pictures Ray!

  8. Splendid Salute AAR Ray!

    Honoured for your kind words about our "Foteviken 1134" game, very appreciated !

    Was really nice to see you and have a shot chat. You did a greate work as the "Press" :)

    Best regards Michael

    1. I did it Queen and country. It was damned hard work walking around taking loads of photos of great looking games! 80)

  9. Better late than never.
    Cracking selection of photos
    Some boards are little works of art!

  10. Great photos Ray, well worth the wait.

  11. Great Pics Ray! Thanks for sharing!

  12. That's a dream! Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures Ray!

  13. Great report Ray! I'm very happy you liked our game. Thanks for taking the time to photograph it. It was very nice seeing you again!

  14. Fantastic photos, best I've seen of the show.

  15. Love that SYW Bill Gaskin game awesome !

  16. Pictures of cash registers? Other than that nice pics!

  17. Awesome sights, thanks Ray!

  18. Some awesome pics. Many thanks, Ray!

  19. Maybe you're not the first one to post his pictures, but you have some work in them before showing! Excellent post! Looking forward to part II.


  20. Lovely pics Ray! Looks like you had a great (if expensive) day. Thanks.

  21. That is some of the most phenomenal terrain I've ever seen! The Viking landing and German city are just epic.

  22. Looks a fun place to be but OMG the queue!

    1. Well I was lucky. We walked straight in with the press pass.

  23. What a brilliant lot of games!
    I especialy like the look of the ECW, SYW and Peninsular games.
    Thanks for the excellent pictures!
    I must try to visit Salute again next year, coming over from Belgium.

  24. Well there you are, great start Ray, looking forward to part two.

  25. It was a fantastic looking game!!

  26. Great stuff Ray, and a highlight for the show for me was undoubtedly getting to shake you by the hand. Wonderful pictures btw. Love these sort of "Salute" posts :-)

  27. Absolutely stunning looking games there!


  28. Great collection of pictures. I liked the painting class one, too. Neato.

  29. Perhaps tardy on the Salute photos but yours are the Best of Show! Many outstanding games presented very well by your photos. Michael's Viking game is truly impressive as were so many others.
    Great job, Ray, in sharing your Salute experience.

  30. Great pictures :-) Gaming tables are beautifully highlighted. Cheers.
