
Saturday 9 July 2016

Donnybrook - Moroccan Musketmen 1664

I started painting these handsome looking fellows back in March during the Challenge, but 
didn't get around to finishing them in time to enter them. They were finished off
 early last month and featured as the only musket armed unit in the Moroccan army
 in my game at Broadside, "Teviot's Last Stand"
Trying to find any info about the Moroccan army in 1664 has proved........difficult to say the least!
So studying paintings of Moroccan and Moorish scenes, it seems they wore very similar clothing for hundreds of years. There are no Moroccan figures made in 25mm for the period, so i'm afraid these are pure guess work???
The figures are in fact Moroccans and Tuareg's from Artizan's March or Die
French Foreign Legion range.
I think they fit in quite well, from a limited knowledge point of view.
The only real problem with the figures, were the guns they all carry, as they're from 
roughly 200 years in the future, but a little filing and swearing soon
had them a little more musket like.....well for me anyway???


  1. Don't like these...especially after the damage they did to our troops in the Broadside game! Lol.

    Lovely models mate and as guesswork goes I don't think you've done a bad job with the painting. Now stop painting Moroccans and start painting some British Artillery!

  2. Hey! Good to see your brushes still work! I would not let a matter of weapons from two hundred years in the future stop me from fielding fine looking troops such as these.

  3. These are pretty nice miniatures Ray!

  4. Nice job! I like that their outfits are a variety of colors.

  5. Great looking troops, Ray. They look like they could be used in later periods too - carrying heirloom weapons.

  6. These are nice dude, v nice. The muskets look passable bud, don't worry :-)

  7. Ilove the Artizan range and you have painted then brilliantly Ray.

  8. Nice Ray and I think the filing paid off.

    1. Sure I've still go the dust up my hooter??

  9. Very nice choice of colours mate. I shall need to take a leaf out of your book when painting the North west Frontier troops for Matt.

  10. These look great. Can't wait to see them in action against Spanish or Genoese.

    1. Hopefully they'll be taking a few potshots at sone Spanish Horse pretty soon.

  11. Nice work Ray! I wouldn't sweat the weapons too much. I know I'd have no clue unless you told me!

  12. Lovely work Ray, you'll have to find something new to paint for this year's challenge now though.

    1. I've got plenty of 15mm left to bore you all to tears with, Sir M!!

  13. Sweet work Ray, if you hadn't mentioned about the weapons I would never have known. Surprised there aren't any figures more from that period, not that it matters with these fine chaps ready to stand in.

    1. Most of the figures in my Moroccan army are Gripping Beast Moors to fight El Cid in the 1090's!!!

  14. Very nice Ray. A splendid addition to your growing Donnybrook collection.

  15. Excellent work Ray! The poses would look good for my white Muslim army!

