
Saturday 13 August 2016

Donnybrook - The Workers....

Things have been very quiet here in Don't throw a 1 land. I have bee busy with the brush though!! Unfortunately it was a 4 inch brush.....yes its decorating time in the Rousell household. One room down three to go........groan!!!!
I am allowed a break today though??? The Rejects have a game today, we've a special Blogger guest coming over for the first time so, Posties putting on a huge 15mm Napoleonic game for him. So I'm really looking forward to that!!!

Anyway the figures.........were painted my my bestest Oirsh pal Francois "O'Mally" Lee. They were infact painted several months ago with some other civilians as decoration for my European Donnybrook games.

All the figures, bar the lady on the left, are from pack CIV1, from Wargames Foundry, they do really fit into the 18th Century period, but I think I can get away with it?? The lone lady on the left is from Redouts FIX36, Milk Maid set, I shoulda got Fran to paint the cow as well!!


  1. Very pastoral! I agree, it needs cows and sheep.

  2. Excellent work. Always nice to see civilians used in games

  3. Always great on the tables, atmospheric and wonderful group of figures...excellent!!

  4. A good job by Fran there Ray..nice addition to the collection

  5. Wow I am loving your civilians....keep up the good work....your decorating won't last forever.

  6. Enjoy the game!
    Painting figures it much better than painting walls. Finish that last room and get back to what you do best.

  7. Good looking figures, Ray! I guess you are keeping us in suspense as to who the lucky special guest is until after the game, eh? Understand your four inch brushwork. In our household, an office and master bath have undergone some renovations including a coat of new paint this summer. I enjoy large scale painting (occasionally) too!

  8. Very nice bit of work, Fran. Nicely photo'd Ray.

    I believe the new Depot Battalion civilian figures for this period were released for sale yesterday, at the Britcon show. I've not seen them, other than as sculptor's greens so don't know what they've turned out like. May be of use to you, though.

    1. Hmmm? I've been bangin' on to Col Bill about some civvies for the Donnybrook period for a while now. Can't wait to see them

  9. Great work indeed! These kind of figures always add immensely to the atmosphere of a games-table

  10. Nicely painted Fran.

    Now get back to the DIY you Smuggler you!

  11. Nice one mate. Sorry to hear about the decorating.... Think if it this way, if you keep the missus happy maybe you'll get more time off for games later on....nah, didn't think so.

    1. Missus and happy, the two words rstely combine!

  12. They look rather splendid, what a lucky chap you are.

  13. Wonderful work, Fran and Ray!! Really fantastic work!

  14. Very nice indeed! You can't have enough civvies.

  15. They look great Ray. Very well done Fran!

  16. Nice brushwork as expected from Fran, nice figs and I hope you have a great gaming break from the DIY

  17. Very nice figures!
    I'll have a look for them for my AWI stuff at Crisis I think.

  18. Lovely job now get those 3 other rooms done.

  19. Nice collateral damage, errmm, civvies Ray :)

  20. Thumbs up...Great work from Fran O' Erin...look really nice

  21. Oh, no! The dreaded 1:1 scale painting. Don't envy you there, but I do envy the work on these mini! Well done.
