
Thursday 1 September 2016

Big Lee's 2 Million Givaway!!

That biggest of Blog Tarts, Big Lee has recently amassed the ridiculous number
 of 2 Million hits to his dodgy blog. The normally tight git is splashing out on some
top prizes for his giveaway!!!!
Now Big Lee and splash the cash are 2 sets of words we
 don't often hear in at Reject HQ. On our game days, Lee's the one who
 brings the Happy Shopper crisps and cola!!!!!
What more can I say??

So check out the Rich Rejects blog BLMA to enter, if you haven't already!!

Image result for big lee's miniature adventures


  1. Ray, that is a promo by a true friend!

  2. Stupid Atlantic Ocean between me and having fun at the club with you lot!

  3. And I suppose you expect bonus entries now! Sigh, if I must....

    Hope you had a good holiday.

  4. Pimping your way to cash I see!


  5. Is that really what he looks like? (last photo)? gasp!!

  6. Some people would do anything for a few extra chances to win something eh Ray ?
    I'm sure you on the other hand are just showing friendship.

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