
Sunday 18 September 2016

Skirmish Wargames Show Sept 16

Myself and Postie made it up to Sidcup this morning to visit the second Skirmish Wargames Show of 2016, the first being back in April. There were several games on show.....

Medway Wargames Club - AWI

Herne Bay Wargames - Napoleonic's 

Priviteers of London - Arkansas, Atlanta & Albemarle.

Gravesend Gamers Guild - Warhammer

HHGC - Zombicide.....I think?

The Painters

Old Guard - Ancient Ships
Rome v Carthage

Rainham Wargames club - WWII Nijmegen 

What's wrong with these figures Clint?

Tonbridge Wargames Club - WWII

 These was also a great display of WWII British Para equipment

2 Dodgy reprobates checking out some books....

John Ewing

Having a coke and a sarnie.

Col Bill's

And some of the lovely figures he was selling

Not a great pic, but both me and Postie were very tempted with these Gripping Beast
Teutonic Knights!!


  1. Some cool military outfits.
    Priviteers of London - the three names are all American places.
    Do the games involving mostly horses move faster?

    1. The 3 American names were the names of the 3 Ironclad ships in there game, I think most Ironclad's were named after American towns??
      Funnily enough there aren't many games involving mostly horse, (that I've played in anyway) The game wouldn't move faster, but the Horses would!

  2. Nice looking stuff, but very large skirmishes

    1. Skirmish is the name of the show Martin, most games at this show weren't skirmishes.

  3. Some cool looking games. Looks like a good show

    1. Its not a bad little show Neil, it does help that its only down the road from us, though.

  4. Excellent looking games and gear!


  5. Thanks for the show pics, Ray! Nice new blog header-photo!
    Say, what happened your NYW project?

    1. Both the 15mm and 25mm are still ticking over.............just, Jonathan, but I haven't painted a thing for a couple of months, so hopefully I'll be boring you all to tears with more stuff soon.

  6. I'm amazed by the number of events throughout the year over there - thanks for sharing your pics and observations, Ray!

    1. We are very lucky living where we do, there are so many shows less than an hours drive away.

  7. Great photos, Ray. Looks like a fun day for you guys.

    Did they have anything good to eat there? Or do you have to stop along the way and pick something up?

    1. We both had a rather limp Corned Beef and salad sarnie there, but stopped off at a pub on the way home for a Sunday roast!! Yum!

  8. Looks like a nice day out Ray, cracking napoleonic game on the go to.

  9. The sports game is Guild Ball

    Great AAR, looks great!

  10. Nice lot of photos. You ask what is wrong with my figures. (Other than the commander!) I will confirm there is nothing wrong with my figures, they are all well painted and based and set up for the PBI rules. So nothing wrong with the figures at all only wrong with me! I forgot 5 different things on the day before getting to the show. For more details I refer you to my blog! (Which I will post a little later today.

    I will confirm the HHGC is indeed "Guildball" and not "Zombicide". If you want to try Zombicide to learn the difference I will happily put a game on for you. (I am not holding my breathe!)

    1. In Fairness they did encroach on another clubs table and put a display on of Zombicide Black Plague, but never actually played it on the day. So that is worth 1/2 a point. (The other club , I think I know who, did not turn up so the table was spare. And better something on the table than nothing at all.

    2. I know its against my religion, but I do quite fancy a game of Zombicide???

  11. Looks like you had a good time


  12. I always love your show-reports Ray, the right balance between pictures and comments so thanks heaps!

  13. Some really nice looking games there Ray!

  14. I like how the London Privateers have used tiles as the river playing surface with the ACW Naval.
    Though I'm not so struck on the Confederate Battle Flag that Stu seemingly was using as a table cloth - Couldn't they have got something more patriotic? Union Flag. British Army flag. Royal Navy flag - very fitting in Stu's case.

  15. That looks like a cracking show, just the Para equipment alone would have me enthralled.

    1. Yeh, it was a great little touch to the show, Sir M.

  16. Great pictures mate, sorry I couldn't meet up with you and Postie. We went to Chatham instead that I guess the wife owes me a favour!

  17. Good mix of games there and overall it looks like a cracking show. Love the para display.

  18. Cheers for the pictures I always miss this one twice as it seams, hopefully will get to it one day. Hoping to get to the show in Tonbridge ☺

    1. The next Skirmish is in March I do believe? We're always at Tonbridge, may see you there Stephen?

  19. Cheers for the pictures I always miss this one twice as it seams, hopefully will get to it one day. Hoping to get to the show in Tonbridge ☺

  20. Great photos... looks like you had a great time

  21. Looks like you guys had a blast at the show, Ray.
