
Friday 28 October 2016

Secret Santa & Santa Claus Wish List???

I'm hopefully going all Native for this years Santa Claus and Secret Santa!!
These are just a few idea's for my 2 Santa's in arms!



From North Star in the UK
and Brigade Games in the US

In fact any 25mm FIW or earlier Indians of any kind would be great??

I did get some of the gorgeous figures as a pressie last year from......

If you don't fancy any of that lot, any 25mm Civilians from the period 1650 to 1750ish ??

I always need more of these!!!

But if you've any other ideas for me that'd be great too!

Thanks Santa's


  1. So what you're saying is, is that you'd like Indians?

  2. A nice little selection. Focused to be sure but still open to interpretation. Looking at the list I know I could get you something you would like.

    1. You know what I'm like Clint, I don't venture too far off track, normally?

  3. Beautiful Indians, we've just played a game with these ones (in 15mm), and you're right, 'we always need more of these'! A great selection indeed!

    1. Fingers crossed Phil, you never know your luck!

  4. You're branching out. I think some Native American Indians would be a good addition.

    1. Spreading those wings ever so slightly Alex.

  5. I woulda liked some of those Gripping Beast Indians you painted!

  6. Friend of mine has the King Philips War figures they are an excellent figures

  7. I must resist a new period, however the Christmas and birthday lists are a nice way to get that little something extra, I am glad mine are almost back to back so no waiting.

    1. Resisting a new period??? That's something I know little about???

  8. I'd add the Perry AWI Native Americans to your list of options

  9. Thanks for the Halloween wishes, Ray. We just ate a plate of pancakes!

    Happy Painting!

  10. Good luck with the letters to Santa, Ray!

  11. Why do you want to do the same thing in 28mm than you have already in 15mm ?
    I just ask, because I try to make the same think in 15mm so I need to know if I must do in 28mm too :D

    1. The 15mm is more of a larger scale, while the 25mm is for skirmish games. I love the period, so why not? Go for it Stephane!!!

  12. Wow, it really is time to think about Christmas shopping isn't it? I wish I could get my family to be like you, Ray. Plan ahead and let me know what they want now so I could avoid a mad rush later on. I used to be so good about shopping early. Now, not so much. Hope Secret Santa gets your letter!

    1. I'm not usually this prepared Elsie, believe me, but we're talking soldiers here!!!

  13. I always liked the red skins with the bows and arrows the most,but don`t have many painted other than a few hundred or so. Well in those days I hated to waste the paint,because it always went hard in the tins. So while I had two or three hairs on my brush,and enamel paint I continued on with painting,painting and painting.
    So yes I like your set of Indians. Regards BB
