
Monday 5 December 2016

Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge VII

Well its that time of year once again...
Its time for the 7th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.

All 100.....yes 100!!! participants are all busy undercoating and prepping
all there figures, all bar!
I've still got loads of figures undercoated from the last two Challenges!!
Gotta admit they're a bit dusty, but It'll be nice to get some paint on them.

All in all I have only 1 plan for the Challenge this year, and that's to try and finish higher
than last years 36th place. Which I think is gonna be difficult as there's a massive 100

I'm a bit stumped on some of the Bonus rounds to be honest??
So I'm gonna have to do a bit of thinking on these.

The five Bonus Themes along with their submission deadlines are:
  • January 8th - Armour
  • January 22nd - East
  • February 5th - Terrain: 'Home' 
  • February 19th - West
  • March 5th - Character(s) and/or Scene from a Movie, TV program, Book or piece of Music
Me and BigLee have teamed for for the Price of Entry and have a few
ideas in mind??

So that's it, really
Happy Painting Fellow Challengers!!!



  1. great to see you're with us again Ray! Me: I am not prepping yet either. Same as you I have a lot of primed figures left from last year and simply no time to prep others. Again same as you, I have one actual goal this year and that's simply to participate and have fun really!

    cheers Sander

    1. Great to have like minded chaps in the Challenge!!

    2. Yup, but do try not to offend the ladies in the Challenge this time you old Badger ;-)

    3. I can't promise anything, Sander???

  2. I'm sure that you'll be more impressive this year than last. What happened to all your sandbags? Did some naughty Oirishman punch holes in them? Did Evil Postie accidentally deliver them to the wrong address? :)

    1. Let's hope so Tamsin, last year was my lowest placing in the Challenges so far, the only way is Up...............or is it down??

  3. No prep for me! I am just too lazy!

    As for the Bonus rounds I have most of them in my head already.... all except "East" I do have some ideas but nothing I want to fix my sights on just yet. the res though are firm in my head and I am all ready to start on them! (except West as I am still waiting for that order to arrive, but it has been sent for at least!)

    1. Curt left them pretty vague this year, I may have to dig out some old unloved figures to try and fit in to some of the rounds??

  4. Good luck, Ray! May your brushes paint speedy and with excellence.

  5. I prep very little as I never actually know what I'll be doing until I'm actually painting it. Good luck with the challenge and see you at the finish line!


  6. Replies
    1. Cheers ol' chap....shame you're not accompanying us on this years trip!

  7. Last year I narrowly missed out on being in the top half of the table but with 100 entrants this year I'll be lucky to make it into the top two thirds. I have set a points target but like you my aim in fun participation.

    Looking forward to our joint entry...I have a few ideas about this but we'll have to have a chat about this closer to the time.

  8. Great to hear that you are once again amongst the merry few, well I say few, but my word a 100, that's impressive.

  9. Looking forward to my first attempt at the challenge, anyone looking for a partner / team member for the donation let me know.

    Regards Ken
    The Yarkshire Gamer

  10. good luck and may your hands be steady,

  11. All the best for the Challenge, Ray - now get prepping!

  12. Good luck withthe challenge Ray, but I thought your objective would be just to finish above the Angry Lurker!

    1. Fran's not entered this year :0( So half the fun has been taken out for me already.

  13. Will eagerly await your no doubt excellent efforts.

  14. May the Brush be with you.

  15. Replies
    1. I'm trying to fill them already Dave.....having a little trouble though???
