
Tuesday 17 January 2017

AHPC VII. Entry 3 - Donnybrook - 25mm Woodland Indians

 "Concentrate on one thing at a time".........this is what I told myself in October, "Just
paint the French for Donnybrook in the Challenge".....did I listen?


So for my third entry into this years Challenge I've painted up what I talked myself
 into getting. Luckily for me I didn't buy any of these figures, 6 were part of my 
Santa Claus pressie, (thanks again Santa) while the other 6 along with others were a 
Xmas pressie from my 2 eldest daughters Emily and Abi.

The plan is (and my plans never seem to work out), is to paint up a 4 point Indian War party for Donnybrook, not for the French Indian Wars, but for the earlier King Philip's War 1675-78,
Bacon's Rebellion 1676 and King William's War in Canada 1688-97.
A 4 point army without characters is only 42 figures, so I may well double it up to an 
8 point army??? (See what I mean about my plans?)

Anyway on with the figures...
They are from Warlord Games in the UK and will make up my first point of
 12 x Bow armed Recruits.
Now I'm not 100% happy with the paintjob to be honest, the figures look like they've had a month in the sun, with the fleshtone I've used. I knew halfway through they were to dark
but hey ho!! Suntanned they will have to remain.
These well oiled boys netted me 60 points pushing me up to 55th place in the AHPC VII.


  1. Skin tones have wide variation. Your natives look good to me!

  2. and what a nice 3rd entry it is!

  3. Impressive and beautiful Indians!

  4. Suntanned or under the shadows a forest canopy - whatever works for you, I think they are quite nice Ray. Doing some Indians for myself - for the FiW at the moment but I also had my eye on King P's war - we recently lived in Rhode Island where it was local history and my son studied it at school. A far more balanced conflict too. I bought some of the Flint and Feather figs - Bob Murch sculpts which are beautiful, and they don't have firearms so they fit into that period much better

    Looking forward to more native warrior goodness!

    1. The Flint & Feather figures are beauties, I've got a few from The Mad Padre for Secret Santa the year before last. I wish they were easier to buy in England!

  5. Lovely job Ray and I am glad I am not the only one that doesn't listen to his own advice.

  6. Dark skinned or not they do the job and look the part - worthy entries imo.

  7. Great work Ray, and don't worry about the deep tan effect - they've clearly been holidaying in Sydney!

  8. Enjoyed seeing these in the challenge and I await your other 8 points so you can have 12. Well your 4 points is still in there so all is good


    1. All I need is a little time!! 2 years should do??

  9. Nice work mate. They do look good.

  10. Very nice, I'd love to do some of those but must not add anymore to the collections.

    1. Come on George, listen to that inner voice!!

  11. Lovely figures Ray! Variety is the spice of life, nice to jump around with yer painting. Don't want to get stuck with French all the time 😆

    1. Yeh, it was nice to paint something different for a change.

  12. Indians come in various shades, I think they look good. It's even best to tell them they look good. Get them angry and next thing you know they are on the warpath...

  13. Great paintjob ray. I love the savage looking warpaint....
