
Wednesday 8 February 2017

AHPC VII Terrain Home Bonus - Protect our village

Another difficult bonus round for the 7th Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge.
"Terrain Home"
After a few days pondering I came up with this "Protect our village"
I had quite a few Militia type figures, armed with farm weapons and lots of scenery bits and bobs
So putting them together to form a defended village cira 1685 during the
Monmouth Rebellion, seemed the easy job?

The figures are from Reiver Castings Monmouth Rebellion range.

To enter a vote into the Challenge click here. There are 29 entries, vote
 for your favourites.

All the buildings and terrain are from the Evil Umpire von Postie!

The eagle eyed among you should spot Winston the Bulldog, by his masters side
From Warbases animal collection.

Along with 4 other Warbases dogs waiting to chew the ankles of the Earl of Feversham's troops!

I wouldn't want to try and shift a barrel that size?

So in this entry there are 12 Militia/Villagers
5 Hounds of Death!

And all these bits and bobs!

3 x Large Barrels
4 x Medium Barrels
3 x Small Barrels
30 x Smaller barrels
4 x Box, Barrel & crate pieces
2 x Sack Boxes
4 x Single Sack Boxes
4 x Wooden Boxes

Not sure how many pints I'll get for these???


  1. If Curt has any sense feck all, voted!

  2. Great stuff Ray. I need some of those bits and bobs myself!

  3. That wasn't an easy challenge - that was a lot of work. Looks very cool though. And yes, will go vote.

  4. Excellent set of barricades and irregular defenders, Ray! With these bits, an interesting scenario is at hand.

  5. I thought that this was a clever solution to the bonus round Ray and really well done.

    1. Well it got useful stuff painted that I wanted to?

  6. I really like these extra bits and bobs Ray! Well done!


    1. Its handy getting these bits done, I've been meaning to do them for ages.

  7. Oh my gosh, these are done so well.

  8. All you have to do now is keep posties hands of the set up, or else it may wander away!

  9. These look great Ray, very useful and reminds me I need to paint my warbases dogs

  10. Look nice, it will be difficult to pass

  11. I thought this fit into the theme well Ray. Like all the goodies you put on the table. Well done! Now why do I have the urge to paint dogs all of a sudden?
