
Friday 3 March 2017

Cavalier 2017 Swag

A couple of photos of my swag I managed to collect at Cavalier last weekend.
I picked up a few copies of Arquebusier from the Help the Heroes stand, and few packs of
tufts for Debris of War, and a few bases from Products of War.
Bob Cordery of Wargames Miscellany fame, gave Postie and myself a copy of his newly
published ruleset, "The Portable Wargame".
I've only had a quick flick at the moment, but I like what I see!
If you're interested in Bob's rules, click this link!

Cavalier is always time to pick up a few paints.....although I forgot to get the
silver I needed!! Idiot!
I picked up a few different flesh colours, its a bit late now as I've already
painted most (a lie of course) of my Woodland Indians.
I did have a list of figures I wanted to buy from Redoubt, but somehow I lost it?
So I picked up these few packs to add to my collection, hoping they were the ones I
actually wanted, the plan is to get these painted
for the Challenge, but with only 15 days left, I've got no bloody chance!
Oh well, there's always next year!

PS. When I got home I found the list I'd lost, in the bag I'd put my new
paints in.............sigh!


  1. A good day's huntin' and collectin'

  2. Awesome haul. Mate. I'm sure you'll get cracking and get them done!

  3. Some cool stuff there Ray! Nice work.

  4. Sorry you forgot the silver. You weren't painting any Indians' face silver anyway, right?

  5. I do like the look of those scenic bits, very nice.

  6. Nice haul mate. I bought some of those DOW tufts as well...their really nice.

    1. I know, I was with you when you bought them!! Silly boy!

  7. A nice lot of swag. nearly something for everyone. Personally I hardly use any silver paint. I think IN MY LIFE I have only bought 2 pots! So you should be alright until Skirmish!

    1. Lots of bayonets to paint Clint.......I suppose I could paint them green?

  8. I am going to have to check out DOW, nice tufts.

    1. They are nice John, and small too, so they should fit 15mm figure bases!!

  9. Nice loot Ray. I find it comforting to know I'm not the only one that seems to find their lists after they've already returned from shopping and realize it was on their person the whole time...

    1. I told Trevor at Redoubt that I must have pulled it out my pocket while I was searching for some dosh. Gawd knows how it ended up in the bag???

  10. Great swag Ray - Love these sort of postings!! Hopefully I'll see you at "Salute"?

  11. Nice pull, but I want to see the minis in the bag!

  12. Quite an interesting assortment, Ray! Which issues of "Arquebusier" did you grab and are you planning some small. grid-based gaming?
