
Friday 21 April 2017

Reject John - Raid on Sandwich 991

Reject John has up and left the Rejects!
At the start of the year he buggered off back up north, close to where he was born.
He now resides in the Lake District in Cumbria.
He can't find any clubs locally, so he's settling down for the life of a solo gamer.
He sent me a few pics of his lastest game, using his 10mm Saxons & Vikings, so I thought I'd share them on my blog.
Its not taken John long to get a table up, I'm glad you've got your priorities in order!!

Got my table sorted. I haven't measured it but I reckon it's about 10' x 4'. Here are a few pictures.

Raid on Sandwich 991. The good thing about the Dark Ages is that there are so few sources that no one can say for sure what happened or what the order of battle was.

1 The initial set up - Vikings disembark from the longships while the Saxon army comes down the road.
2 Sandwich with its garrison.
3 3 separate engagements, one to the east, one to the west and a skirmish by the boats
4 Battle is joined
5 The Saxons win in the west but lose in the east but with the Sandwich garrison they can just about drive off the Vikings.


  1. There is a club in Barrow and there are others as they now put a show on at the Rheged Centre once a year which would be worth looking out for. Depending how far into Cumbria he is we have one in Lancaster at the Grammar School on a Tuesday night.

  2. 10mm is a fantastic scale. (1/200). I wish him well John was an all right bloke

    I do find the hill a little odd though, never seen one quite like it before. But I have not been to every corner of the UK so just maybe .....

    1. The triangular hill (kopje) was originally designed as part of my Boer War set up but it makes appearances in other landscapes/scenarios as well.

    2. The triangular hill (kopje) was originally designed as part of my Boer War set up but it makes appearances in other landscapes/scenarios as well.

  3. I wonder what that's like to play solo? I guess it's all in the roll of the dice.
    Now I want a sandwich...

  4. Good to see the chap has got his priorities right. Great looking table.

  5. where abouts in the lakes is he?

  6. We are a club in West Cumbria and Carlisle and organisers of the Phoenix show in June.

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