
Monday 1 May 2017

Salute Loot 2017

Finally got around to posting my Salute Loot!!
I didn't do half bad, my first purchase were 3 packs of torches from Midlam miniatures. One day they will be added to some figures, ready to set a village alight!!
I had a chat with Martin at Warbases, who showed me his new Roman range, some of the new buildings are quite something, check them out if you've any 28mm Romans. I bought 3 packs of animals to go with the ones I bought a few years ago, and 3 of the new Roman wagons, these will be added to my Donnybrook collection.
I collected a pack of Redoubt Woodland Indians from Col Bill and Belt Fed girl that I'd pre-ordered.
After having a chat with Barry & Toggy on the Warfare Minis stand I bought some mounted French Dragoons, now I already own some Dragoons from different manufacturers, but liked the models so thought why the heck not!
On impulse I also splashed the cash at Sally 4th's stand, buying "The Ancient Souk" market place, once again with Donnybrook in mind, Tangiers here I come again, or it would do just as well in England or Flanders. I also bought 2 packs of tents from Sally guessed it, Donnybrook again.
Now my actual plan for te show was to buy some more woodland Indians and have a search for some early Settlers/Militia types for Bacon's Rebellion, So I picked up a pack of figures from Reiver Castings, they may be a tad late but I think they'll do. which brings me on to my last 2 purchases.
Painted figures!!
I can't remember the last time I bought painted figures??

Grubby Tanks were flogging Injuns for £3.50 a pop, so I helped myself to the above, 3 Musket Indians and 3 Commanders. 

Hmm? 12 Handweapon chaps!

 and 12 more bowmen!!

And.......I ummed and erdd about these chaps, once again they're Redoubt figures, which I was 
looking at not 5 minutes before I bought these painted chaps. There were more but these 12 ECW musketeers and 1 leader will be the start of my American/Settler types!


  1. Great loot, Ray and a real pleasure to meet you once again. I especially like those painted american natives - very nice indeed, and a great colourful selection too. I'd have been tempted by those myself :-)

    1. Yep was great to meet up in person again, perhaps next time we'll get to have a decent chat?

    2. Absolutely :-) I managed to speak briefly to Tamsin, and then ended up in another group...

  2. You were on a buying spree! Good haul.

  3. What an impressive loot Ray!!

  4. nice haul, painted figures! is your eyesight failing or have you won the lottery

    1. I wish!! Xmas and birthday money comes in very handy!!

  5. Very nice Ray, looks like you picked up a bargain or two there.

  6. Nice haul. I like the look of those tents you got, too.


  7. Nice little hoard there Ray.

  8. That's a helluva haul - nice work!

  9. A very impressive haul and the £3.50 a painted figure deal was a steal imo.

    1. Yeh, I may get them to do a few more for me?

  10. Looks like a great haul Ray! Ok Ray, just admit it your now pretty much a 28mm painter having seen the light.:-)


    1. Skirmish.....its only skirmish??

    2. Yeah of course it's only skirmish I mean it's not like you have over a hundred....and there is some 15mm in there....oh wait.:-)


    3. There may be over a hundred..................

  11. Hello Ray,did you use that new plastic money to buy all that metal stash? Or use an old fasioned plastic Card? I like your Indians_______________ a lot. BB

    1. All cash, no plastic, don't want the boss to find out do I?

  12. Great haul Ray! I keep looking at all the Azande warriors I bought and thinking if only they came ready painted...

  13. They look great, Ray. And to answer your question about the tea, because it's fun to make at home. Free, too.
