
Tuesday 20 June 2017

Broadside 2017 - WWII Operation Caravan 1942

As you may have read on BigLee's blog, Posties Rejects were at Broadside on the 11th June. BigLee put on a tremendous WWII 6mm Desert War game. And we won "Best at Show" or rather Lee did.
The effort that poor chap put into the game was outstanding, from the figures, to the buildings and the terrain. Well done ol boy!

The set up...
It still makes me drool....

The town of Barce

The Italian's were fast asleep, unaware of what was about to happen?

Here come the LRDG!

2 Patrols try and break through the fence line
2 Trucks fall foul and bog down.

The fuel dump looks a nice target? 

The fuel dumps lights up the night sky.
Unfortunately it also wakes up the sleepy Italians!

Moving on a turn or 2
The LRDG move down the line of planes blowing them all sky high!
Note the lone Truck, still stuck at the fence!

The 3rd Patrol turns up at the fence.

The 3rd Patrol takes heavy casualties at the fence and stalls
while the 1st and 2nd carry on their destruction.

3 more Bombers are destroyed

As well as the remaining Fighters

The Italians radio for help and a team of Motorcyclists turn up on the Derna road

Disaster for the LRDG
The 3rd Patrol are virtual destroyed!

More Italian troops turn up, this time on the Beda Road

The LRDG turn their sights on the Hangers

Dodging through the flames

The LRDG try and make their escape, back to the Gebel Akhbar Moutains.
While being chased by the enemy.

A brave lone truck, perhaps Commanded by Captain Earsmith himself, blocks the road
to let his men escape.

Only 3 trucks make it off the field intact, which was three more than the historical outcome!
But although the other trucks were lost, many of the crews escaped into the night .

So the result was a resounding win for the Allies!

A great day out was had by all. made all the better winning the best game at the show. I think I can talk for all the other Rejects, we were all completely shattered after the show, all with sore throats with all the talking going on.

Wonder who's turn it'll be for a game next year?


  1. That is a slick looking layout! Kudos to Lee!

  2. terrific looking game, big lee is to be congratulated

  3. Lee's game looks great -- definitely award-worthy!

  4. That's a really fantastic looking game!

  5. Absolutely stunning and well done to all of. but particularly Lee.

  6. What an impressive looking table - thanks for sharing!

  7. Great wrote up Ray. I took a few photos but I was so busy on the day that I missed a lot of the action with my camera. Utterly exhausted but totally exhilarated!

    Hmm your turn again next year....or maybe we can convince one of the other Rejects to step up?!?

  8. Magnificent looking game Ray, congrats to Lee on his modelling skills. What rules did you use?

    1. Lee used a slightly modified version of Flames of War.

  9. Very very impressive. Definitely deserved the award.

  10. Absolutely stunning and well done to all of. but particularly Lee.
    thanks for sharing...

  11. drop-dead gorgeous that table is!

  12. Wow, that is an impressive effort. Not only that, but clearly a great game too. Win-win-win!

  13. That's an excellent layout! Sadly I could't make Broadside this year so missed out on the spectacle...

  14. A very beautiful looking game.

  15. Fantastic looking game, great terrain and planes

  16. Thanks for sharing Ray! Looks fantastic!


  17. Nice to see the Italians getting whacked for a change.
    Ray,it was really great to see this on Benno`s Figure Forum too.BB

  18. That's great !
    We see it in june and loose the link to that post... It's a real pleasure to find it again ! :-)
