
Friday 10 November 2017

New Books

I've been adding a few books to my collection recently, all based in and around my favorite period of history.

The first Marlborough's Other Army, was bought at Broadside back in June, I gave it to my wife as it was going to be used as my Father's Day pressie from the kids. Unfortunately we both forgot about the book. I found it again a few weeks ago, still in the bag from when I bought it.
Its a little late in time period for me, but you rarely see anything from these battles on the warganing table. The last time I saw this being played was a great looking game from Southend Wargames Group a few years back.
Steve Ede-Borrett's The Army of James II was an absolute must for anyone with even the slightest interest in the period.
Edwin at Diplomatist books had the next book up for sale, The Siege of Londonderry 1689. I thought this'd be a great addition to my collection. Cheers Edwin
Lastly on a trip to Rochester I picked up the last book, Monmouth's Rebels by Peter Earle.

Now I've only had a quick flick through all the books and shall look forward to giving them a day!


  1. It's good to have a collection which supports your favorite period. Hope you find the time to read them.

    1. This is the new 4. There's loads of others as well.

  2. Well, you know what to do with the Christmas holidays in view.
    Happy reading!

  3. If she'd found that book, she could've saved it for a Christmas gift.
    Good luck with the reading time.

  4. Good start on your period-specific library. Happy reading!

    1. This isn't the start. I've got tons of others.

  5. Hope you enjoy the Londonderry book!

  6. Sedgemoor is one of those battles that I just can't get enough of. I think it's the floppy hats and (non-existent) pitchforks. Marlborough's Other Army inspired me to paint up some small armies for that period to use with the Pikeman's Lament. Info on the Spanish armies is pretty thin, but if you go with the early period they are a very colourful proposition. Get a copy of 'Bravest of the Brave' by G.A. Henty - it's a cheap as chips nineteenth century boys' novel and is a great background to Peterborough's campaigns in the Peninsular.

    1. I want to paint up the Spanish. I'll have to go non historical though, as most of the Spanish units that fought in Flanders wore boring grey coats!
      I'll definitely check out the book though.

  7. Ah, the wonderful days when valiant soldiers thought nothing of going into battle wearing full-bottomed wigs, high heels, and LOTS of lace. And this, paradoxically, only made them MORE masculine. Go figure.
    ; )

  8. I imagine finding books you've forgotten about is even better than finding money in an old coat ;)

  9. I see a distinct theme running through all these books, I'm sure you'll enjoy them all!

  10. I've almost finished reading my copy of the James II book and highly recommend it. Hopefully it will inspire the paint brush to take on my next unit - Oxford's Horse.


    1. I'm sure you've already undercoated them Stephen?

  11. one might even think you're preparing for some battle, is Franonia giving you trouble again?

  12. Nice additions to the collection Ray, it's good to have some reading stock for the cold dark days ahead!

  13. Always good to get books ,in some way this hobby provides a focus for my book collecting!
    Best Iain

    1. Not sure how many period based books i have??

  14. Must not get sucked into another period of history........!! Nice literary haul mate

  15. That is a very nice collection of books
    In particular the Spanish one ;)

  16. I have read some of these books but the Every Bullet has its Billet is the best one. Now it's time to avail derma rollers for more information.
