
Wednesday 31 January 2018

AHPC8 - Donnybrook French Artillery 1690's

Here's my entry into the BFG (Big Freakin' Gun) Bonus round
Its my take on a French artillery piece from the 1690's.

The figures are from the most excellent Warfare Miniatures
Its code WLOA18 Positional Gun and can be bought for the princely sum of £15.
Which in my book is pretty good value for money.

I've kept the gun pretty generic, so if need be, it could be used for any side.

Its a bit of a monster!

Here's a close up pic of the Artillerymen, which can of course be painted up
as any side or army of the period.

The gun & 6 figures earned me 40 points, plus another 50 points for entering the bonus round.
So 90 points in all.
As I sit and type this post I'm in 36th place with 289 points, so I'm not doing too bad!
I do have the next Bonus Round " Musician" all ready and based, along with a few other figures, so look out for them soon on the AHPC  blogsite.


  1. Very nice indeed, Ray. Your basing really makes the grey/blue uniforms stand out, as does the red colour scheme of the cannon. I bet that looks marvellous on your tabletop - great unit!! :-)

  2. Quite the striking cannon. I like your color choice.

  3. That's a big 'un.
    (And nicely painted too)

  4. That's one hellufva gun Ray! Nicely done sir.

  5. Not sure how much use this will be in a skirmish game! It does look very good though and is a credit to you sir.

    1. Cheers Clint. Nope not sure how I'll use it?

  6. That´s one big gun. What calibre is it?

  7. That certainly is a monster gun you've got there... compensating for something Ray ;-)

  8. Great job done here!! Beautifull bright colors!

  9. This would make a nice unit for the Pikemans Lament rules . The calibre of the gun is deemed to be whatever you ,ve paid for in points . Our group is having great fun with these rules and I,m drawing inspiration from this blog .

    1. They're a great set of rules, I have them myself, but as yet I've never had a game. I'm glad you're enjoying the blog Belisarius.
