
Saturday 20 January 2018

AHPC8 - Flight - 25mm Roman guard dogs

Well its time for the first Bonus round entry. 
Curt's once again killing me with his choices, this one is "Flight"
Now my problem is I don't own any periods past the year 1763 so its a tad difficult
finding something that could fly?
So its lateral thinking time again?
After a rummage in one of the many unloved and forgotten boxes of unpainted lead I found these
I think they're old Gripping Beast figures, although I can't find them on their website? 
They were in a bag with some GB civilians, so who knows?
So here's my entry 12 Geese!

Is anyone else having trouble commenting on blogs recently?
I have to press publish several times before my comments posted?


  1. They are awesome, Ray, and look splendid on those bases too. Nice thinking, with the beaks appearing suitably orange too :-)

  2. Good idea. And yes, several clicks to publish.

    1. Thanks George, I think it may be working again?

  3. Look great. Yes I'm also having issues posting comments

  4. Great idea for flight. Re blogs, just press once and wait, it takes about 15 seconds. It seems to have been like this for 4 - 5 days now. Just pretend you are back in the days of 56k modems :-)

  5. They look great. Love to see you use them in battle. Geese bites do hurt!

  6. Wonderful job, superb and realistic, I can hear them from France! And yes, many trouble, I have to wait a long time after writing my comments...

  7. Those are really cool Ray, very nice work!

  8. "Flight" as a theme was so open. As you have shown birds, but you could also do Dinosaurs or Insects or even flying fish or squirrels. And that is just keeping it in the natural world. Historically Chinese kites/lanterns were used by armies as early as 300 Anno Domini or you could leap forward to Leonardo Davinci and some of his drawings. all the way up to modern jet fighters or beyond into sci fi.

    Taking nothing away from the birds though as they do look good.

    1. Some good ideas Clint, I should have spoken to you a few weeks ago!

  9. Yes, struggling to comment also. Though I, now, only press the button once, then refresh the page and it has worked every time for me.

    So they're not Wild Geese then, if you don't go beyond 1763. No matter, as they do look good.

    1. These are wild Geese, but not THE Wild Geese.

  10. Excellent choice, they look cool! :-D

  11. Your version of the Wild Geese? Looking good!

    As for commenting, yes, commenting has become a slow process. Very good to read that it is not isolated to me. Publishing once works but takes time to submit.

    1. I think its back to normal again, thank gawd!

  12. Very cool birdies, Ray! As far as blogger issues, when I post a comment, it takes a very long time for it to "take." Still better than awhile back when my comments would double-post on some folks' blogs. Oh well, can't complain about the price for using blogger :)

    1. Yeh I kept getting double post syndrome too!

  13. Guard dogs you can eat! Great job on the guards and their bases.

  14. One can never have to many foul, er fowl, beasties running around a table. Scenario rule - let them take off in someone's face, and lose a turn of movement from the distraction!

    1. Yep, they can be used so many different ways.

  15. Worst dogs ever, but great geese!

  16. Well worth a gander :-) To get them did you have to give a Down Payment? Down...??..No?
