
Sunday 7 January 2018

Santa Claus, Secret Santa and other Christmas goodies!

It seems that I did rather well this Crimbo!

Santa Clause
Three ECW/Late 1600's figures that'll be added to my Donnybrook collection.
Centre and right are 2 Col Bill's figures, but I'm not sure of the chap on the left?
Thanks Santa!!!

Secret Santa or not so....Thanks DaveD!
Three packs of ECW Musketeers including command
Once again these will certainly find their way on the painting table, to be used as militia/settler
types for early America.

My two eldest daughters were struggling to buy me something. I gave a few helpful hints!!!
I already have the book above on a CD, but a book's a lot better, I'm sure you'll all agree?

Now I wasn't expecting the book, I'd asked for a subscription to the Pike & Shot Society,
so then I could buy some of their books myself, but I got both!
Also copies of this year Arquebusier mag too!
Thank you No 2 daughter Abi

Lastly, the mystery pressie from daughter No1 Emily
Thank you Emily!
11 packs of figures that'll hopefully make it on this years Challenge?
But what are they?
They could be Donnybrook or could be En Guarde?

All for one!


  1. Great haul! I look forward to seeing them during the challenge.

  2. That's a really great haul - and a nice variety!

  3. I recognise a few bits, if its any help

    * Two soldiers are part of Col. Bills 'The Wrath of God'
    * Musician is part of Col. Bills 'C17th Musician & Dancers'
    * Musket is from Col. Bills 'C17th Weapons'
    * Crate is from Ainsty Castings 'Treasure Piles' (also available from Col. Bills)
    * The base appears to be a Col. Bills 2mm MDF base (it looks to have the tell-tale bit that trims off, so giving it away)

    1. Hmmm? Wonder who my Santa Claus could have been?

    2. Pass. I have a good eye for Stu's stuff and do keep an eye out for them on the blogs, so I can mention what I've seen to him.

  4. Nice haul there, you must have been good for once


  5. Impressive you need time...a lot of...

  6. You have done rather well I should say.

  7. I reckon you've been spoilt!

  8. You did well sir! Very smart to train the kids to give miniatures to dad for special occasions!

  9. You are very welcome Ray... Bicorne were supposed to not include the invoice , but sent it it me... hey hum basic instruction fail,
