
Saturday 24 March 2018

AHPC 8 - The Cardinal's Guard & a Wagon

This is most probably my last post of the Challenge, I don't think I'll get my last figures finished.
So here we have 8 x Redoubt Enterprises Cardinals Guard to fight my previous entry the 
Four Musketeers.

 These are excellent multipart figures. I bought some odds and sods at a show a few years ago and then my daughter bought me some figures for Christmas.

What's great about these is, as they're multipart you can chop and change body's, legs and heads
and come up with different poses.

Check out the 3rd and 5th figure, they're the same body, with different head and legs!!

Lastly I wanted a few wagons to use as barricades or scenery pieces. I strted painting up 2 wagons
but only finished this one. Its a Col Bill's ECW period wagon
and can be bought for only £5.50. Its made out of MDF and was very easy to put together!

Just for scale, one of the Guards standing next to the wagon, its quite a large piece!!
I earned myself 55 points for this entry.


  1. These are all fantastic Ray. I can see some awesome musketeers skirmishing.

  2. Good looking flock of red breasted Cardinals! Nice wagon too!

  3. Wagon and musketeers, wonderful and beautiful combination!

  4. Really very nice Ray and a lot of uses you will get with that wagon Ray.


  5. Very nicely done Ray and the wagon too - splendid work Sir.

  6. Bravo sir. I get so bored of the so called hero's getting the limelight.

  7. Eight v four ? - Sounds about right for the heores>
    Great renditions Ray and I'm jealous you found your wagon easy to put together, mine was a nightmare (though it was a different model).

  8. Boo, Hiss! Bring on the Musketeers.

  9. Wonderful! fantastically painted and the wagon is an eye-candy!

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