
Saturday 21 April 2018

Salute 2018 - The Pics

I've been a very busy boy this week hence the late post for last weeks wargaming 
extravaganza that is Salute 2018.
I took stacks of photos using my phone, now here is my problem.....a few months ago I had an update on my ever trusty phone, now it takes rather crap photos, so unfortunately some of the photos had to go in the bin.

We'd only just walked in the doors nice and early around 8:30ish!!
And who'd we bump into, none other than Mr League of Augsburg himself, Barry Hilton, 
who came back for a selfie with the Rejects.

A most excellent replica!!!

And one of those!!!

Leicester Phat Cats - Blood & Plunder

The queue to get in at about 8:45!!

The League of Gentlemen Anti-Alchemists - The Biscotti War 1860


Maidstone Wargames - 

Newbury & Reading Wargames Society - The Battle of Ipsus 301BC

Speed Painting

Loughton Strike Force Kawanakajima 1561

 Barry telling heroic tails of The War of Three Kings!!


Bad Squiddo Games

Operation Taifun, Leros Novemebr 1943

Beautiful scenery. Just love how they painted the water.

A blurry Col Bills

And a Blurry Warbases!

  Col Bill & Martin



Gravesend Gamers Guild - Panzer Vor


Blood Red Skies

Peter Pig - Cowboys

Band of Brothers
Warlord Games - The Battle of Foy 1945

7TV  - Demolition Derby

Argh Jim lad

Iain McDonald's Street Wars

Scarab Miniatures - Athens 1918



Jorge Faria & pal. Wargamers and modelers from Portugal  

The Old Guard - The Battle of Aspern Essling 1809

Bill Gaskin & Friends - Raid of Gaskins Plantation 1761

My Favourite of the show!
Ian Smith & Friends - Glory in the halls of Montezuma

Gangs of Rome

Simon Millers "For King and Parliament" - The Battle of Soggy Bottom 

and a 6mm game as well!

Real Time Wargames

Blood and Bridges 1985

Ironfist Publishing - Battlegroup Torch - Medjez Valley, Tunisia 1943

Plastic Soldier Company - Red Alert

Sons of Simon de Montford - Indian Mutiny

Star Wars

Bexley Reapers Wargaming Club - Dead Show Zombies invade Salute!

Wings of Glory

Dalauppror - The Battle of Staket

Jesper & Micheal (Dalouppror)

Society of Ancients - Battle of Paraitacene 317BC

Two Fat Lardies - What a Tanker

Blogger Lee on the left, gets in on the act! 

and so does Carl Packham, on the right.

Wyvern Wargames Club - Battle of Varna 1444

Abbywood Irregulars - The Die is Mightier than the Sword

Chelmsford Bunker - Invasion of Copenhagen

So there you go......this years Salute!!


  1. Wow! so many great looking games, I'll take my time to go through all the photos later but thanks for posting them for us who were unable to be there.

  2. thank you very much! :D
    Really, best tables are in salute ^^

  3. Not bad photos considering the trouble you had with your camera/phone. It's amazing how whenever I look at others pictures I see things I missed at the show. Thanks for sharing mate. See you at the next game.

    I'm back at excel again today for a Craft and Hobby Fair.... My wife has tickets and I'm being dragged along. If I'm lucky Artmaster will be there and I can pick up some cheap brushes but otherwise it'll be hundred of stall selling ribbon and 'card making' supplies.....sigh....

    1. You're a lucky boy Lee. I wish I could have gone to the Ribbon and Card bash!

  4. Thank you for the detailed report, Ray! 8)

  5. A Burning Man and everything.
    Bummer about the camera phone issues. What you posted looks good though.

  6. Cheers Ray for this and putting my game at the top, Blood and Plunder and Leicester Phat Cats all the way. I hope you liked there club sign with the Cats backside

  7. Great fun to see our clubs (Tin Soldiers of Antwerp) Swiss Family Robinson game

  8. So many wonderful looking games,Ray! Thanks for the photos.

  9. An amazing array of wonderful games, Ray! I particularly like the Kawanakajima game with beautifully painted Dixons - as well as the very intimidating Wicker Man! Thanks for taking the time to post the photos!

  10. Thank You for a great looking photos!

  11. Nice pics Ray. Especially that one of the handsome bloke playing What a Tanker ;-)

  12. Great set of pics Ray thanks for sharing!


  13. Thanks very much Ray for taking the time to put this lot together. I can't play or make it to those venues whilst in Tonga so this is like sharing your outing. Cheers.

  14. Excellent photo recap Ray!

    I didn’t have mich time to look around so very nice to see all the great games i missed.

    Best regards Michael

  15. Great set of pics. One Thing..why would anyone go to such an Event and Speed paint? Do they get a prize ?

  16. for me the best show report I have seen so far.
    several games NOT on other blogs
    And I have come away wanting to do 6mm ECW! How crazy is that!

    1. Cheers Clint! Not sure if I should be happy or apologise!

  17. Epic Ray. Lots of stuff I did not see on other blogs . It looks like it was a good show.

    1. Certainly was Dave.About time you took the trip down south again isn't it?

  18. I reckon the first "?" is the RAF club.. recognise the light blue tshirts.. nice piccies!

  19. Fabulous pics Ray! Some great looking games especially this year. The Street Wars and Crooked Dice tables looked great

    1. The Street Wars set up was brilliant. Iain made a great job with all the terrain.

  20. Some great looking games. Thanks for sharing

  21. Lovely pictures, I missed quite a few of these, thanks for filling in the gaps!
    Best Iain

  22. Great pics, thanks for sharing.
