
Friday 27 April 2018

Salute Loot!!!

I didn't think I bought that much, but it seems as though I did!?!
I've finally had the chance to rifle through my goody bags last night, to see what I bought during Salute 2018.

Three books from Cavalier, all for THE period. I probably don't need these as I've got pretty much 
all the info I need, but.............

My first ever purchase from Crooked Dice.
Some pretty cool terrain items.

A show wouldn't be a show without my fix of Essex minis.
Just a few packs of Cavalry command for the NYW


A free gift from fellow Blogger Bob Cordery.
I've always quite fancied the Spanish Civil War??

Tools from Bicorne, for Sedgemoor figures and the like.

Ah Gawd!
Another offshoot for Donnybrook

Two Highlander Officers from Crann Tara minis

Character figures from Warlord, maybe be a bit small me thinks??


A very nice little collection of counters from Warbases.

Redoubt figures from Col Bill

More Highlanders this time from Dixon

I also bought some pre-painted Redoubt Highlanders from Grubby Tanks, so all in all 
a rather large selection!


  1. Some very nice loot there, Ray, plus you got a great group shot of the Combined Bloggers!

  2. Great haul, Ray, with some excellent looking minis. I'd be interested to know if the "Warlord Games" character minis do match up with your usual scale. Great to see you on the day too :-)

  3. Go for it, Ray! Good focus too; I'm always all over the place...!

  4. Nice score, Ray. When did start working two jobs.

  5. Welcome to the light with your first ever CD purchase. I will encourage you to the correct side of wargaming yet! None of this funny hat rubbish!

  6. Some nice poundage of lead there, it's finding those sort of buys that I think make show's such a terrific place to be.

  7. Excellent looking loot, Ray. I can see your tastes are very focused. I'm currently the same, but with 16th C. Japan (recently ordered a couple of books on samurai armor - as if I didn't already have enough!) :)

  8. You can never have enough books on your subject is my view too! That's a good haul of kit, I've got to do Montrose at some point, I've already got a pile of Highlanders, it's just the tartan putting me off!
    Best Iain

    1. That's the bit I'm not looking forward too.

  9. I'm guessing austerity is over then?
    Great haul

  10. Impressive haul Ray, at your brushes now!
