
Saturday 18 August 2018

Hmm? Partizan?

Me and Postie will both be getting nosebleeds tomorrow as we head up Norf , up the A1 to Newark for our first visit to any Partizan show in over 20 years, so if any bloggers of followers see us say hello. I know a few of you chaps are going so it'd be great to meet in person.
We're taking extra clothing, sandwiches and a few flasks of tea as we head nervously into the wilderness. So if you see two frightened wide eyed lost looking souls, give us a pat on the head.

Hopefully see you tomorrow!


  1. Do not forget your phrase books

  2. At least the beer is better up North

    1. Mmmmmm Marstons Pedigree !!!!!

    2. A BOLD boast. I look forward to haring your reasoning behind it!

      Locally to us in Kent we have Shepherd Neame Brewery, which is the oldest brewery in England. We also grew hops in Kent.

      But I am more than willing to listen to the reasons you feel Northern Beer is better!

    3. Once heard a discussion over the difference between John Smith's Magnet Best Bitter and various Badger Beers (brewery in Dorset). This was in the very early 1990s, before regional drinks were widely available in supermarkets or there was wider distribution hubs for breweries I think (I was far too young to drink at the time!). Anyway, a barmaid in a pub at Wool, Dorset, joins in in this discussion over the merits of John Smiths over Badger and she agreed that Badger's drinks wouldn't sell in Yorkshire (where she'd experience living) as the alcohol content and ingredients were of a lesser calibre (for want of a better word) than what was produced by the likes of John Smiths, Theakstons, Tetleys, or the like. I don't know if this was correct, or if this is still the case if it was, but I can remember the party I was with ignoring the local (Badger) bitters and from them on only drinking spirits or Guinness. This did upset the locals in the pub and there was nearly a fight as they took this slight of their local brewery rather personally.
      Anyway, I don't drink so I don't know and can't really offer anything to the discussion. But reading your comments reminded me of the incident way back in Wool, Dorset (couple of miles south of the Bovington Tank Museum, for those wondering).

  3. Awesome. See you there, we are on table 21, near the bogs. Easy to spot, it's the effing massive Sudan game - Dave has got the toys out

  4. Ray,
    Come and say hello I have a game and the trade stand, sure you will enjoy it mixing with us heathens

  5. I might see you there then - it all depends on how I feel in the morning.

    Have a great day in any case :)

  6. Just don't both pass out from fright at the same time.
    Have a great time!

  7. Head north young man! We don’t bite... well not too much

  8. Check their blog, they are using a different entrance to the showground and possibly different parking area for Stephenson Hall this show, it's a last minute change due to a large caravaning show using the main entrance and grassed areas. They say it will be well signposted .

  9. I wonder if Dave needs to rent a truck (oops "lorry") to cart his massive armies around?

  10. Good luck on your expedition Ray. Got your passport and up on your shots? You might want to pick up a phrase book so that you can converse with the locals.

  11. I only wish I was coming with you. Have a great day an I shall look forward to a show report!

  12. Good luck. How long should we wait before sending out the dogs?

  13. That`s Hill Billy Country Ray. I reckon you`ll both fit in. Enjoy your outing. BB

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