
Sunday 21 October 2018


Myself, Postie, Dave and Oliver  headed up the A2 this morning to attend SELWG 2018.
Unlike our fellow Reject BigLee!!!
It was an excellent show and I thoroughly enjoyed myself, but more on the actual show later
in the week.

My collection of Swag was unusually for me rather tame to say the least. But I'm happy 
with my purchases!!!
Which were 6 Really Useful Box inserts from Commission Figurines, which in my opinon are really great value for money at £3 each!

From Col Bill's, their new pack of figures C17th Century Prisoners and Guard.
I think these will be a very useful addition to my ever growing Donnybrook madness.

Oh gawd.....more stuff for Donnybrook.
Some Reiver Castings Cavalry, I've been a busy boy over the summer collecting
a new army faction for Donnybrook, most of the figures were bought painted, but I need these chaps to finish them off. More on these boys during the next Analougue Painting Challenge.

An Officer/Hero figure for the above mentioned army again from Reiver, 
I had a great chat with Rob the current top dog at Reiver and Northumbrian Painting Services, they're releasing some great looking Scanian Wars figures at the moment, go check them out.

I picked up  a bargain from the Bring & Buy, 5 x 25mm tents again for errrrr......
Donnybrook and lastly a 25mm light artillery piece from Simon at Parkfield Miniatures, for you guessed it Donnybrook!


  1. Very nice select models, Ray. It must be great to see the figures up close before buying, not to mention no shipping cost and instant gratification! :)

    1. That's the great thing about the shows. It allows you to see the figures on the to speak.

  2. What? No loots from Essex? *shocked*

    Lots of loots for Donnybrook? *not shocked*

    Great haul Ray :)

    1. Nope, no Essex needed at the moment, perhaps next week?

  3. A nice variety of goods, that's for sure!

  4. Always a pleasure and I am planning some Zombie games for you and Postie after the compliment you gave Fran and how wonderful his Zombie games were.

    After that some sci fi and I shall get you into Fantasy in the end.
    I fully realise you will rubbish this comment, I expect nothing more but we both know the truth!

  5. Good haul... my own shopping list will have to wait (he says with quivering lip). šŸ˜¢

  6. Nice haul, waiting for paint job now!

  7. That's a decent haul. I missed SELWG for the 1st time in years this time. Nothing I really needed (shock!) and minding the pennies.

  8. Quite a shock to the system seeing you buying 28mm figures.

  9. Nice collection of the one true scale! Looking forward to see them painted up!
    Best Iain

  10. Nice swag Ray . I will have a look at box inserts for sure

  11. Great article..I am looking so forward to your blogcomment and
    I love your page on your post.. That is so pretty..
