
Thursday 10 January 2019

AHPC 9 Reconnaissance Bonus Round - He went that way......

Its Bonus round time again, Curt seems to bamboozle me each year with his choices for
bonus rounds and this year is no different!
I always try and use figures I already have or I can use in any of the periods
I already own. Luckily I already had these figures in my unpainted pile.
The figures are from Redoubt Enterprises' Scout pack, with 1 addition, the chap with the white face.

 Obviously as they're a scout pack, the fellows would have been sent out to recon
the area or track their enemy, but they can always be used as normal warrior models and
will be added to my big box of Native American Indians for Donnybrook.

I really like these Redoubt figures, they're so full of life and character.
I tried out Army Painter Strong Tone on these.
Its a bloody godsend to be honest.
I shall be using this a lot more often from now on.

30 points for the figures 5 x 6
and 50 points for the bonus round bonus.
Grand total of 80 points!
If you'd like to vote for these fine looking fellows or another of the fab entries, you have 
until this Saturday. Just click the link here


  1. They look fabulous, Ray. The staining worked out very nicely on the shading.

    1. Certainly did Dean. I'd like to get the stain you use really.

  2. Excellent! The stain worked well! I am a strong proponent of the staining method. Never leave home without it!

    1. It's so effective and good for my poor eyes too.

  3. Figures and bases are very well done.

  4. They look great Ray! More F&IW I say!


  5. You did a great job on these Ray.

  6. They look great, love the skin shades...

  7. Great tans on their skin, hope they used sunblock while sunbathing! Especially that one with nekkid bum cheeks :)

  8. I like the blue bootie things on the one on my far right.

    1. The blue bootie things are called Leggings Whisk ;0)

  9. Scouts never looke like that when I were a lad - how many badges do they have?

    Great figures and full of character Ray.
