
Monday 11 March 2019

AHPC9 - Donnybrook - The Duke of Osuna Spanish Horse 1680's

Another entry into the Painting Challenge and its yet more Donnybrook, but this time
 we're heading to the far away fields of Africa, well Tangier to be precise.

The Treaty of Windsor, signed on 10th June 1680 between England and Spain, gave rise to an offer by the King of Spain to provide a body of Horse to support the English at Tangier. The Duke of Osuna's Trozo of Horse was well placed being based 80 miles north of Tarifa to be 
that body of Horse. They were said to have worn an all white uniform, including their hat!
Which I'm sure you'll agree makes for a rather unusual looking unit of Horse.

In the field they were commanded by Don Salvador de Monforte.

They fought in several skirmishes and battles in their time at Tangier.
I've been wanting to paint this unit for quite a while

The figures are from Warfare Miniatures and will be added to my Tangier collection, they 
may well find there way onto the fields of Flanders and Ireland too!!!

 7 Mounted 25mm figures should give me 70 points.


  1. They are very stylish - good color choices. I have an author friend who spends time every year in Tangier writing and exploring history and I bet he'd be impressed.

  2. They do look good and I am sure they will fit well on the battle field.

    Post script: See you Sunday no doubt!

    1. Cheers Clint. And no I can't make Sunday 80(

  3. Add another 70 points! Excellent!

  4. Cracking work on this bunch of dandies Ray!

  5. Dynamic , elegant...and gorgeous!!

  6. The White does make them look unusual but good at the same time

  7. Lovely work Ray! As I'm a basing fan, I love these realistic
    bases and the ground colors!

  8. Very interestin gunit, everyone will be wanting white hats now !

  9. Excellent stuff again Ray. Never an easy thing to paint a white uniform but these really stand out. And a interesting history fact to go with them too!

  10. Suitably flamboyant Spanish horse Ray, trust them to show off in their white hats!
