
Saturday 23 March 2019

AHPC9 Fellowship Bonus Round Gandalf

Can't believe the Challenge is over for another year???
This being the final Bonus Round " Fellowship"

As soon as I read the name Fellowship I knew my entry would have to be from
Lord of the Rings. I've got a box with all sorts of odds and ends from Games Workshop's range.

Gandulf here was still sitting in his red backed blister pack begging to be painted up!

To be honest he was originally bought to be painted up and sold on ebay
many years ago, but I never got around to it.

Another reason for painting up Gandulf was he was quite an easy paint, being all white!!
But the most important was he was the defacto leader of the Fellowship in LotR
and if our defacto leader the SnowLord, Curt himself put on a white wig, he could be Gandulf!!

This entry will be winging its way over the Atlantic soon as my Curtgeld
so a few more points will come my way.


  1. Your choice of a white motif is brilliant!

  2. Excellent choice!
    The challenge is over already? Bummer. Enjoyed all the pieces you and Fran have been posting.

    1. Afraid so, it finished on the 20th, but I've a few more things to post yet.

  3. Greet job in the challenge.
    This reminds me that I have my own Gandalf the White that needs painting. 😀

    1. Cheers Stew. Mine will be riding across the pond to Canada shortly.

  4. Impressive job on the grey/white shades, looks superb!

  5. Ah, the White Rider to set against the Nine. Fabulous stuff!

  6. “Run, greatheart, run as you have never run before”. The model totally captures that line from the book. Whilst the new Gandalf and Shadowfax model is good the old really model really shows Shadowfax’s power and speed.

    1. It's a great figure and about time it had a lick of paint.

  7. A powerful rendition to finish the challenge off - grest stuff Ray.

    1. Cheers Joe, I've a few more entries to post from the Challenge yet.
