
Wednesday 17 April 2019

Salute Bloggers meet up 2019

My third and final post concerning this years Salute and as the title's already told you..
It's all about the bloggers!
The numbers were down this year, with absentees either forgetting or just not having the time. But we did have two new bloggers at the meet Pete and Pete! There are links to all blogs below, so if you haven't joined the Pete's blogs or any of the other give them a follow!

Above we have from left to right

BigLee got in this one!
Front & centre!!

And a few other bloggers we met along the way.

Pete from Panzerkaput joined us for a quick pic.

Barry Hilton gets a cuddle from Postie

And that's it for another year!!


  1. Good to know there were a few more of us out and about.

  2. Definitely got my most flattering angle in the group photo 😂

  3. I am sure I have seen a few of those on posters outside the police station!
    Many thanks "Tin Tin!"

  4. Ray told me I had to Pau 10 pounds to be in the picture - did he charge the reston you lot?

  5. Trainspotters havn't anything on this lot.

  6. What a bunch of disgraceful reprobates! :)

  7. Haha! Great set of pictures, Ray. Really good to see the faces behind the blogs.

    I wonder what I was saying to Simon to make him look so stunned? :-)

  8. Fame and stardom await. 😀

  9. I was there, all the way from the US, but was busy running a game and forgot. Maybe next time.

  10. Looks like you all were having fun!


  11. A grand gathering of gamers! What a nice way to connect after blogging.
