
Monday 13 May 2019

AHPC - 25mm Boris & Nigel

My last post of this years Challenge...
And hear we have couple of Ass's

You may or may not know the names, If you're from the UK you certainly will.
I'm not sure what make they are, but Boris & Nigel are a right pair of  useless donkeys!


  1. You should have chosen Remoaner names. Respect the result of the democratic vote. What about Blair and Anthony? Corbyn oh no that’s a great name for a Stasi spy.

  2. At least you didn't name one of them Donkey...

  3. Donkey? Oh you mean Diane Abbot!

  4. Not from the UK, but certainly recognize the breed ;) Nicely done, on all levels).

  5. A right pair of useless Donkeys. Could describe any 2 British Politicians at the moment. Lets just say I am disillusioned with them all.

    Well painted critters.

  6. Always need some asses in an army!

  7. You have a knack of stating what everyone is thinking.

    1. Seems that way Joe, doesn't it? Apart from Simon of course.

  8. Always glad to see donkeys on the tables...Great job sir!

    1. They're usual standing around the table top, no names mentioned????

  9. Seems like even more apt names now!
    Best Iain

  10. Shouldn't Boris have white hair? I don't know where did I get that question from :)

  11. You've opened a can of worms there mate...Nice one!

  12. Nice donkeys Ray! Maybe you should paint another and call it "Simon" :)

  13. Currently in France, we have a lot of candidates for submitting application for a good donkey name !

  14. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. You could easily give names to 650 asses. Add the lot over here and you´d end up painting asses till the end of your days. Mind you..a Lifetime painting asses. Depends eh?

      PS..above comment removed, I got a bit carried away letting off steam.

    2. You should left the comment up Paul 🤔🤔🤔

    3. Ok.
      The naming of them is a Pretty obvious reference and, it fits. Thing is, all politicos are, IMHO, self interested asses, willing to sell themselves to or be bought by the highest bidder, the same bidder who, in General, has links with or directly controls the Mainstream media and both bounce of each other to get the result THEY want.
      Anyone who thinks thier vote is worth anything is at the very least deluded, at best gulible and bouncing along the road on a haze of media induced whatever to take part in a so called democratic process. The clue is in the word process. Like processed Food, it´s had virtually all the reality and value squeezed out of it and replaced with something sugary which will only satisfy until the next time.
      Anyone actually looked at the process of a law or reg being brought into existance? Too few to actually have an idea of how the System works. Add to that the Thing called News* which is in fact opinions which are virtually entirely not based on giving any insight into beurocratic goings on.
      Democracy?. Ha! Using the word to describe the Systems they use to feather thier Nests is an abuse of the word. 5 minutes of ticking a box (or boxes if you´re lucky) to give over any say in matters to a bunch of self interested self promoting asses for, what, 4-5 years? Cleisthenes must be rolling in his grave.
      Why like or dislike any politico? Depends on which side of the bed I got out of and wether I trod on some lego whilst doing I make it easy. I dislike and don´t trust the lot of em.
      Steam let off :-)
      *By that I refer to political News.

    4. You weren't wrong Paul, on all counts!

    5. Merci :-) I could have gone on About the divisionist lie of left wing/Right wing or rubbish to do with the misuse of words like "Populism" "Regime" (the old Phrase "one mans meat is another Poison" Comes to mind) or doublespeak rubbish like "going Forward" or "fake News" but hey, I´ve got a model of a medieval ship to get finished :-)

    6. PS..yesterday I used my euro election Voting slip to wipe my rear end. I´m now thinking of Posting it to the EU..freepost naturally :-)

  15. if you have a name for a crazy mule/donkey, you have to buy that one from Tiger Miniatures !

  16. Nah there are better traitors to democracy and the British people. Try Gina Miller and Anna Soubry and her Change UK disgrace. Change U.K? The could’nt change Trumpton! Ask yourself if everyone is Remoan, why is Nigel doing so well in the polls? 17,400,000 plus reasons. I know people who voted remain who would do the opposite now.
    The EU (Fourth Reich) is falling apart. It looks like the Italian national debt is pushing her banks to failing like Greece. One Italian Bank has to be taken over by the European Bank at the end of last year. Ask yourself why eurosceptic parties are doing so well and gaining ground in the other 27 countries. Note the world countries and not an EU hegemony of the unelected.

  17. Apparently some ‘Ass’ called Nigel”s Brexit Party has won nearly 37% of the vote in the EU elections. Even younand the Biased Broadcasting Company cannot ignore that with a ‘sigh’. Are you going to ignore a Democratic result again?

    1. Actually Simon , the anti Brexit parties including Lib Dems, Greens, SNP, Change UK and Plaid Cymru got 40.4% of the vote, which to slightly better than our Donkey friend! SO now give me a sigh!!!

  18. sad, bit like the arse Jo Brand, hope they arrest her.
    Looks like Boris May be the next PM. That’s a glorious No Deal then. Oh and we have have a blue print of a Trade Deal with South Korea etc. Of course this cannot be signed until we are out of the EU which stops us trading, we can then sign trade deals already negotiated with the African trade bloc and our own Commonwealth countries etc, etc, etc, etc
    So everyone of the 40.4% would vote remain would they? I think not.
    Sigh, so, so sad...
