
Monday 16 September 2019

Skirmish ! Wargames Model Soldiers Military Modelling Show. Sept 19

Can't believe we're nearly half way through September already??? September for the Rejects means a short 20 minute trip to attend Skirmish, a great little Model and Wargames Show in Sidcup.

First stop for Lee, Postie and myself was Art of War Shirts
Thoroughly nice chap Glen was very happy to sell us all a few of his excellent T-Shirts.
I let the side down wearing an Adidas top instead of one of Glen's!!
Bad Boy Ray!

The Main Trader Hall. Skirmish isn't a massive show, but its still very worth your while paying a visit

There was a great display of Sudan Wars period dress and weaponry.

Everyone's favourite Col, Bill

It was a shame, both traders and games were down on the last show, it needs a little more support, you never know the Rejects might even put a game on at the next show??

Oh yes!!!
Not sure my misses would share my appreciation for this work of Art?
I can just imagine this beauty sitting above the fireplace at home......

John doing his very best sales pitch!

Skirmish organiser Craig, from Red Coat Models

Original Paintings

Painters plying their trade!

Old Guard Wargames Club - Spanish Civil War

Skirmish Wargames - Viva Revolution 1915, Mexican Revolution 
My fav game of the show

Postie, Dave Crook and Moi!

The Privateers of London - The Battle of the Yellow Sea 1904

Milton Hundred Wargames Club - Conflict in Kent 1941

The Bring & Buy

Medway Wargames

Not sure who these chaps were - Old School figures


  1. Nice pics Ray. Looks a decent little show. And yes I liked the Sudan stuff

  2. Good looking show, Ray! Thanks for the walk-about.

  3. We too up here have a similar local show, good on the organisers.

  4. Nice looking show, the Spanish civil war game looks ace!
    Best Iain

  5. I like the Mexican war setup.
    Looks like that show had some unique items.

    1. Never seen a Mexican War game in this scale, looked awesome!

  6. You got better pictures than me...mind you I did pass through rather quickly this time.

  7. Great looking show, small maybe, but perfectly formed and the games looked very intersting too, especially th Mexican one.

  8. Beautiful post - great photos.

  9. What a cracking little show, it looks like a great day out was had by all.

  10. Thanks for the pics, Ray. Like the look of that Mexican game :-)

  11. Great looking event, diversified and beautiful pics!

  12. Those Mexican bandidos take the cake!

  13. Looks like it was a grand day out Gromit, and on your doorstep as well.

  14. Such delightful sets, especially the horsemen figurines!
