
Tuesday 22 October 2019

SELWG 2019

Postie, Dave and me drove up to Crystal Palace for our annual trip to SELWG. And what a great day it was too!!! We met up with many of our Wargaming friends and associates including  Reject Richard with no James in toe for the first time in a long time, (he's a teenager now and gaming with Dad is not his no1 priority!!! He will return one day) Also met up with Bob Cordry, Tamsin, Al, Simon Miller and Steve from General Reeve 

 We arrived around 20 minutes before opening time, so weren't far from the front of the queue.

Glen Mr Art of War - Art of War
I bought another t-shirt for my growing collection, this time I went all Spartan!

Now on to the games!

Soth London Warlords -  Dark side of the Moon

Simon Miller - To the Strongest - Romans v Celts

Best scenery award - Shepway Wargames - WWI Belgium 1914

Best Participation Game - Crawley Wargames - Aztecs vs Conquistadors

Alan had to walk around the show holding onto Helena all day!!
Even went he went to the loo!

Friday Night Firefight - Dino Hunt

Maidstone Wargames Club - WII Dogfight

Best Demonstration Game - Deal Wargames Club - The Real Guns of Navarone 1941

Tonbridge Wargames Club - Boxer Rebellion


Newbury & Reading Wargames Club - Romans v Persians

Gravesend Wargames Club - Get me to the Church on time.
Had a great chat with Reece, Phil and Jenny.

British Model Soldier Society - Tel-El-Kiber

Robert Dunlop - Battle of Gnila Lips 1914

Wargames Collection Calculator - 6mm Battle of Little Bighorn 

Another pic of the main hall, this time from the other side.

Me & Tamsin

Won Best at Show - Cheshunt Wargames Club - Mosquito Strike Norway

Tunbridge Wells Wargames Society - Ironclads at War Lissa 1866

SEEMS - Terminator - The Fight Back

Essex Warriors - What a Tanker

Gravesend Gamers Guild - WH40K

GLC Gamers - The Lamenting Pikeman

Real Time Wargames - 6mm North West Frontier

Society of Ancients - Hydaspes 326BC

Milton Hundred - Kings of War Vanguard
Postie gives the game the thumbs up!

Fire When Ready/Emotionally 14 - Star Wars Legion

The Bring and Buy, near the end of the day I might add.

T'was great to finally meet General Reeve. We've spoke several times about meeting up at a show but its never happened until now, we just happened to bump into each other on the stairs. Was great to have the all to brief chat, hopefully the next time will be a little longer.

And there we have it! Another SELWG over for another year!
Great show lads keep up the excellent work.


  1. Blimey! That´s a lot of piccies. my fave has to be the WWI belgium game followed by the dino hunt.

    1. Loved the WWI Belgium game, especially the planes and Coal mine.

  2. Thanks Ray for the bumper photo post - enjoyed.

  3. Some great games on display this year, I loved the Roman game. That number of well painted figures always looks amazing. And I should state, for the record, that Helena and I just good friends. For now.

    1. There were some really great looking games on display you're right! Well I feel sorry for poor Helena, being dragged around a wargame show all day, poor girl!

  4. Glad you posted all of these piccies Ray. I was so busy with Dino Safari I didn't get chance to have a proper look around at the other games. We're stating a Chain of Command campaign soon, so I was especially disappointed to miss the Gravesend WC game for terrain ideas. I was well and truly cream crackered when I got home! We ran through two complete games and I was just sitting down for a well earned breather when we were suddenly assailed by throngs of kids! The volcano had to work extra hard! Looks like everyone enjoyed themselves though, so mission accomplished.

    1. Sounds like you had a great day Lee, hope you got plenty of photos, I missed the chance for more photos of the volcano erupting more?

    2. One or two, but not nearly enough. I was trying to safely extract metal figures from small sticky fingers in the afternoon and all thoughts of photos deserted me !

    3. That's a shame, I hoped you had a few photos.

  5. Such inventive setups. Dino hunt looks fun.
    You go to so many of these, and yet I don't think we even have one in our state.

  6. Most impressive event and tables, lucky man...Gorgeous!

  7. Great pics, Ray, but where are the ones of your loot? :)

    1. They're for another day Tamsin. The post was long enough as it was.

  8. Thank goodness for digital cameras! I'm glad you had a good day, it looks less well attended than when I went a fair few years ago. It was very atmospheric and rammed to the gunnels.

    1. It started off packed then slowly emptied throughout the day.

  9. Wow! So many outstanding looking games. Simon's massive TtS! battle is really an impressive sight.
    Thanks for all of the show photos.

    1. Certainly is Jonathan. It's a sight to behold.

  10. The wargames look great pity so many fantasy type tables not my thing.

  11. Great tour! As I said on Tamsin's post, The games are all really eye catching and have had a lot of effort put into them, the terrain especially!

    1. Yep, there were some tremendous looking games on show.

  12. thanks, great pictures! That Mosquito Squadron game looked terrific, worthy winner. I enjoyed chatting to the guys doing Real Time Wargames NW Frontier game - v. friendly and enthusiastic, and with clever ideas in the game. Always take care of your camels..
    I saw the chap with the cut-out Helena a couple of times, so I have to just ask... why?

    1. It was his birthday. So his pals made him do it.

  13. Thanks for posting this- always nice to see the shows. I'm interested in the comment that it was not as well attended as in the past. My perception is that many shows are struggling- Derby has (largely) disappeared and Triples has gone. What do you think?

    1. I remember when the place was rammed with customers, games and sellers, unfortunately that was a few years ago. Numbers did look down, there were a few empty tables too where stalls and games didn't turn up. Which is very disappointing.
      There were a few traders missing, who I can remember being there last year such as Peter Pig. Not sure why they weren't there?
      I think numbers at all shows are down it seems to be a growing trend. I wish it wasn't. The Rejects love to go to shows and see the figures in the flesh before we buy as well as just looking around and chatting to fellow gamers.
      If we don't do this then in a few years time there won't be any shows to go to.

  14. Great looking show! Thank You for a photos!

  15. Some fantastic looking games in there. I particularly liked the WWI Belgium table. Thanks for posting photos for those that can't be there, Ray!

  16. Great looking games,I appreciate the virtual tour! Didn't you buy anything? Impressive restraint!
    Best Iain

    1. I did indeed spend some dosh. The post is big enough. So they'll have a small post of there own.

  17. Always entertaining to follow along on these convention reports: thanks for putting it together: nicely done!

  18. Nice pictures mate, looks like the games were good. Pity I missed the show this year (due to my being a dumbo).

    Hope you've got some money left for our trip to Warfare in a few weeks?!?

  19. It was great to see you finally. Did you manage to sell your Roman Army? Next time we will sit and sort the world out.

    1. Yes I did Steve. The dosh should keep me going for a while! And yes we'll sit down for a cuppa and a chat next time.

  20. I love convention reports. Thanks for sharing. Looks like a good event. 😀

  21. Brilliant mate, I'll have to get over there one day! Thanks for a most comprehensive round up!

    1. No problem Evan! Be great to see you at a UK show one day?

  22. Because I was too lazy to take photos I've linked your blog to mine, which will increase your traffic by a factor of one (if you're lucky)!

  23. Amazing selections of photos, Ray - so many wonderful images. Thank you so much. Great to see you and the other Rejects having fun!!

    1. Thanks for the comment Sid, we all enjoyed the day out!

  24. Great set of picsof what looks like an excellent show. All the games have their merits and there are some absolute crackers amongst them too.

  25. Great Article it its really informative and innovative keep us posted with new updates. its was really valuable. thanks a lot.
