
Monday 18 November 2019

Warfare Wargames Show Reading 2019

In the good ol' days way before my blog, way before I had a computer or a mobile phone, way before the Rejects even existed, we used to visit Reading for our annual fix of wargaming merryment at the Warfare Wargaming show.
We can't even remember the last time we went, but it must have been the mid to late 90's. (Fran did you ever go to Warfare?) We decided to was too close in date to SELWG and we'd usually spent all our hard earned dosh there, so had none left for Warfare.
BUT, silly Reject Not so BigLee, went and booked a holiday over the weekend of SELWG, so was rather miffed with himself and needed a last Wargaming fix of the year. Me and Postie agreed that we'd tag along and hold his hand, (gotta admit, we didn't need a lot of persuading!)
So off we went early Saturday morning arriving in Reading 30 odd minutes before the show started. 

We made a beeline for the Bring and Buy see above where I broke our duck for the day, with a purchase of 2 28mm Warlord artillery pieces, for £8! Did I actually need them You ask???
No, but Yes but.........
I did take quite a few photos before I noticed a problem with my mobile. some of the pictures were corrupted???m (Like the last few in the last game we played?) It seemed to be pretty random and was bloody annoying!
So lots of pics didn't come out, including all the close up's I took of this most excellent game below

From Ruperts regt Sealed Knot
They put of a ingenuous interpretation of the Battle of Sedgemoor 1685 

As its a night battle, I've always wondered how to create that Fog of War needed to play the game.
They made small boards to cover the Rebel armies advance on the English camp.

The Camp

As units moved forward, the terrain would become viable.

There were hidden walls, ditches to cross and animals and people, who could make a noise and alert the guards in the camp that somethings heading their way,

All the building were scratch built by one of the guys and painted up in various shades of grey to help with the night effect.

The Red regt makes it unmolested to the camp. 

And set fire to the tents.
What a great looking game, I shall pinch a few ideas from this game!!

Combined Oppos - Wild West

Col Bill & Scotty

Newbury & Reading Wargames Society - Caractacus Strikes Back 45AD

We bumped into blogger extraordinaire Sgt Steiner several times throughout the day.
What a thoroughly nice chap!

Boscombe Down & Amesbury Wargames Club

Cheers Peter!

Huntingdon & District Wargames Society - 54mm Rorks Drift

My pics of Warbases didn't come out.
So this ones pinched from Lee's Blog. 

South Oxfordshire Generals - To the Strongest - Sassanid Persian battle 

Maidenhead Reapers - Panzer 150 - Ardennes Offensive 1944

Aylesbury Wargames Club - Bolt Action - Ost Front 1944

Two pics of the Competition game going on over the weekend.

Skirmish Wargames - 54mm A Very British Civil War

Grid Wargaming - FIW

1066 Group - SYW The Battle of Warburg

Display Models

The 3 Amigos
We had an enjoyable but exhausting day, we will defo be back for more.
Perhaps at the new venue in Ascot if what we heard was true?


  1. Great looking games Ray. That Sedgemore game looks aces! Love the use of greyscale.

  2. Glad you guys finally went. Sorry you lost some photos.
    Interesting way to play a night game, covering up the sections like that.
    I think the setups with the snow turned out really well.

  3. Nice report Ray. I really like that snow landscape, I'm hoping for something like that myself.

  4. Good report Ray. You'll have to get that camera sorted out before the next game/show. It must have been driving you round the bend!

    I definitely think this is one show to add to our annual calendar. I was cream-crakered by the time I got home but it was worth all the effort.

    1. Definitely, we'll either have to save up more or just not spend out st SELWG.

  5. Great stuff.
    That looks like a fantastic idea for Sedgemoor.

    (Get Steiner to smile next time by poking him in the ribs just as you take the shot).

  6. Ray it looks like you had a good day there. The night time game also gives me an idea as I use markers for the units until they cane be seen and then replaced with the figures. Good pix too.

    1. Its a great idea Steve. I may use some form of that myself in a game.

  7. Sorry to read that some of the photos were corrupted.
    I love the scene where there was snow. So fun.

  8. Great looking games, Ray. Interesting to see so many vehicles in the Ost Front Bolt Action game - inspiring!

  9. Great to see you at Warfare, Ray. Personally, I thought it was the worst show I've seen at the Rivermead as very little caught my eye. But obviously its horses for courses. Glad you had a top time :-)

    1. I'm not that much into science fiction or fantasy gaming like your good self, but come to think of it there wasn't much if any sci fi at the show. Great to see you again even though it was brief.

  10. I always love seeing photos of conventions from 'across the pond'. Thanks for sharing.

  11. Glad you had an enjoyable return to Reading :)

  12. Those little explosions look very realistic!

  13. Good report Ray. I like the look of the F&i wars game

    1. Yeh, it was like a smaller version of To the Strongest.

  14. Great report Ray, really should put it high on my visit list for next year and finally meet in person.


    1. That'd be great Matt, you could always come and have a game with us.

  15. Some cracking looking games Ray, that night battle was ingenious!

  16. I saw you guys outside the event. I thought it was you, but wasn't sure, so I didn't go over and say Hi.

    1. That's a shame Carole. Next time come and say hi.

  17. Some crcking looking games there, many quite exceptional imho, well worth the trip then?

  18. Did Warfare a few times, even once with the SWMBO!

    1. I did think you made it a few times. Many moons ago though ah Fran.

  19. The Sedgemoor game looks excellent,I went a couple of years ago and liked it,I think it was all a bit too busy at home for this year, some nice games and of course you needed those guns at that price!
    Best Iain

    1. Very pleased with the gun purchase! Enjoyed the day, it was a little cramped like you said. But if they're moving to Ascot next year that should improve?

  20. Great show report despite your camera not working as it should. We don't have many conventions here in western Canada so I enjoy living vicariously through your blog.

    1. We are very lucky where we live. We have tons of shows near us.

  21. A great collection of games on display, and nicely documented Ray. I'm fairly sure I attended this show in 2002 when I lived in the UK, at somewhere called The Octagon from memory. It was a nice-sized show with just enough variety.

    1. The Octagon was a different show. We used to go to that as well. In that strange building with rooms everywhere.

    2. With a mezzanine floor as well, if I remember rightly. I'm really kicking myself that I didn't get to more shows in the couple of years we lived in the UK.

  22. Hi Ray, the unidentified giant tower is from The Boscombe Down & Amesbury Wargames Club. (They were at Colours earlier in the year.) Also, in that same photo in the background is the back of the Illustrious Opponent!
    Missed Warfare this year due to moving house. I hear rumour it's moving to Ascot next year, another show at a racecourse. I shall have to see you at Salute next year.

    1. Thanks for the info Peter, I'll add that to my post. We'll see you at Salute again next year then.

  23. Really nice and informative blog, keep it up buddy…
