
Wednesday 8 January 2020

AHPC X - First entry Dave D's Challenge Island

At last! I've finally got something painted!!!
I've had a bit of a nightmare, like other Challengers I had grand plans of what I was going to paint
over the Christmas break, then on Boxing Day, I went and did my back in!
No I wasn't at the gym, or swimming, or doing gardening or even DIY. 
Its all Posties fault, the git had the audacity to knock on my front door!
In the act of getting out of the chair to answer the door, my back decided it'd had enough for the day
and seized up. By the evening I was in agony, next day Diazipam and Tramadol ended my Christmas totally. For the next week I sat in the chair dribbling!!
So painting was well out the window!
Well now I'm back! Although the said back is still not all that clever to be honest. But I can at least sit at the desk, paintbrush in hand!

My first entry sees me attack Challenge Island, here. I'm starting on the Path of the Forgotten at Docherty's Dock. I have seen this figure already painted up, but can't remember who entered it. The figure is from Black Tree Designs and will be added to my Donnybrook Moor army.

It's was a fairly simple paintjob, and I'm pleased with how Mr Moor and his camel Dave turned out!

I'm more pleased with my newly made grass tutfs! I  was bought the tuft machine the Xmas before last, then a month before the Challenge I made up a few sheets, its a bit messy but well worth the effort!
The figures earned me 40 points, pushing me up the table to No 49.


  1. You named a camel after me?! I could have the right hump about that....

    I hope the back is improving and that you will soon be firing on all cylinders.

    BTW, I am glad you have your camel painting eye in....

    All the best,


  2. Nice, a machine for tufts, noooooooooooooo

  3. smart camel mate. Ah the fun (and mess) of making your own tufts - mid it saves a fortune in the end!

  4. Unique figure! I don't believe I've seen you paint a camel yet.
    Sorry about your back. Bad timing. Sucks to get old, doesn't it? Can't claim injuries on something daring and grand. We just move wrong!

    1. I think this is my first camel Alex, you're right. The mind of a 12 year old the body of an 80 year old!

  5. Nice opening entry mate, I thought you were a bit quiet in the opening weeks. Hope your feeling better and can get back on track.

  6. Sorry to hear about your blackbast episode--as someone who has dealt with the living hell of back pain, I feel for you. Glad to see that with this vignette you're now over the hump (so to speak).

    1. err, make that "backblast" (damn fat fingers).

    2. I think you had it right the first time Ed, backblast is the perfect word!

  7. Take care of your back! I have the same BTD figure but have yet to paint mine. One day...

    1. I've had this chap for a while now, I've been buying the odd figure every show I go to, just for the Challenge, you never know what your gonna need to paint???

  8. You need a butler to open your doors instead of you!

  9. Not a Phrase I use often but, nice Looking Camel
    I also spent the X-mas hols sitting in a Chair Dribbling, but that was down to excessive alchohol consumtion

  10. Brilliant start Ray. Quiet and understated.

  11. Nice work Ray, and good to hear you're up and about. Nothing more certain than a dose of back pain to curtail productivity.

    1. Couldn't agree more, its put me well behind in my plans to dominate the world!!!!

  12. Nice work old man, that back pain is a nuisance!

  13. You need a better excuse for the back injury! No worse than my tv remote scar on my leg though I guess!

    All the best mate for your projects during the analogue painting challenge and 2020

    Missed out on entering this year, although would of liked to get involved, next year for sure

    French Wargame Holidays

    1. Thanks and we'd love to have you join in next year Matt.

  14. I empathis e with your back problems, I'm spent many a time forced to lie on my bacl for weeks, but rarely have that particular problem nowadays - it;s replaced with many others as you get polder !

    Good looking figure btw and a first for you iirc.

  15. " Move on , you stubborn creature *&%&*&%$!!"

    This is how this scene sounds to me :)
    Nice painting and great realistic ground , Well done!
