
Wednesday 15 January 2020

AHPC X For Joshua - 10mm Romano British Warriors

A few months ago back in September fellow Challenger James, very sadly lost his
unborn son Joshua. 
James is trying to raise money for the local hospital where his wife stayed.
In memory of his son he had an amazing idea....

"My current idea is a 10mm project - fantasy undead and orcs versus the 'free people'. The free people would be eclectic - a mix of whatever anyone wanted to contribute or paint that fitted the 'fantasy' setting. Arthurian knights, Elves, Dwarfs, Humans of any variety, Lizardmen, etc, etc - anything and everything from medieval or late medieval model ranges or fantasy ranges.

The baddies would be in black with a little red.

The set would then do some of the wargames shows in the UK, as a display or demo game.

The whole project would then be raffled (or auctioned) off - The proceeds would then go towards an appropriate charity in honour of my little boy whom I will never get a chance to share my hobby with."

I spoke to Rejects Lee and Postie and explained what had happened, they both agreed that they'd like to help out and would paint some figures up. So at Warfare in Reading we all bought some figures.
These are Hordes and Heroes from Kallista Romano British Warriors.

So if any of you guys n gals would like to help out please do so.

It's my first ever time painting up 10mm figures, I think I need new glasses????
There are 32 10mm figures giving me 32 points


  1. Very sad. That's nice of you guys to donate figures. And what an honorable thing for James to do.

    1. Its great to help out James in his challenge.

  2. Excellent painting Ray and a wonderful cause. I am down for a few units myself and looking forward to painting 'Fantasy' based subjects for the first time.

    1. I did toy with a few fantasy units but Lee and Postie both bought some, so I went historical. Not necessarily the right colours though.

  3. Very nice Ray, too small for my old peepers.

  4. Outstanding job for this scale!!

  5. Very impressive painting, Ray!

  6. A lovely idea, and you have done a great job on these Ray.

  7. Excellent painting for an excellent cause! Well done, Ray!

    1. I'm very pleased how they turned out Jonathan.

  8. I hope this is successful and you've made a great contribution. Alas my eyesight precludes any involvement I could have opther than in a raffle !
