
Tuesday 3 March 2020

AHPC X - For a Friend - 10mm Romano-British Horse Archers

Its Challenge Island time again, even though I've not completed my evil Snowlord Challenge!!
Fancy wanting me to actually play a game with the figures I've spent the last 5 years painting up and boring you lot to death with????
I dunno how he does it?

Anyway I leave Snowlords peak and trundle down the slope to O'Gardy's Gulch!

"Over the years I have enjoyed seeing others paint and donate models for others. It inspired me to do the same and it was most enjoyable. So, paint a miniature or piece of terrain for a friend (does not have to be a fellow Challenger)."

So I thought I'd do one last 10mm unit for James and his brilliant For Joshua Project.

These are Romano-British Horse Archers from Kallistra

They painted up pretty easy to be honest
There are 16 figures so should earn me 32 points plus another 30 for the Challenge Island  entry.

So a total of 65 points' pushing back up to No31

Previously in another For Joshua post I mentioned that Evil Games Master Postie also bought and
painted up some figures.

He wanted to something he'd never painted so he chose Kalistra Skeletons.


  1. Quite the army!
    Nice of you to donate to the Joshua Project.

  2. Thanks guys, your input has been amazing.

  3. Very nice Ray, a budgie smuggler wearing nice guy!

  4. You really are quite a nice chap Ray.

  5. Great looking figures - amazing at 10mm!

  6. Wow! They look great! Have you any pro-tips how to paint miniautres in so little scale likt this?

    1. Not really? They're quite simply painted. Just block painted then inked. The ink is my saviour.

  7. 10mm are getting pretty close to micro blobs Ray, but you have done a great job on these PLUS helped a mate out with a donation...well worth the points earned!

    1. They did make me go cross eyed I've gotta admit.

  8. More great donations, well done Ray and Postie :)

  9. Despite what others murmer to the contrary, you're such a nice chap and what a wonderful gift !

    1. Just don't tell the Mrs! She'll have me decorating before you know it!

  10. Lovely work Ray. I know what you mean about the wife and decorating. The comment that always gets me is "I can't believe you put so much effort into your toy soldiers and yet you managed to make a pigs breakfast of that".

  11. Nice stiff mate. Between us we've done a lot of that 10mm Kallistra stuff for the Joshua project.
