
Wednesday 8 April 2020

AHPC X - Reidy's Reef - The Sirens

I'm still posting units painted during the Challenge, not many more to go!

Thelxiepeia, Peisinoe, and Ligeia are reported to be the names of the Sirens according to Suda.
They're quite a handful, literally!
And I was talking about pronouncing their names!!!

I did plan on painting up some boats I've had stashed for far too long, but then saw
 these luvvly ladies on the Col Bill's stand and thought well why not!!

"“Reidy’s Reef” is world renowned for its tranquil beauty and awe inspiring aqua-scapes. 
Dammit, it’s almost as impressive as it’s namesake. However, the seas can churn into
 an angry abyss for any hapless land lubbers or those prone to math errors. The only
 known way to traverse this sea is to paint up a miniature with a nautical theme, 
be it boat, fish, sailor/pirate or aquatic terrain. Bonus points will be awarded if this
 is a new project for you, or that the motive power of the model(s) is provided by sails."

I'm not sure what I'm gonna do with them and even if they're ever gonna be used?
I might give them to Postie, for his Pirate range, I'm sure they could cause havoc there.

They were a pretty simple paintjob, although the hardest part was the underwater body parts?
Some rocks are cast along with the figure, I thought the base need filling out so I added a few more to make the base look a little more busy. Col Bill himself when I showed him a pic, said, that's how he wanted the model but the figure was just too big and couldn't be cast that way.

I'm quite pleased how the white waves turned out, its just several layers of grey to white paint.

The figures can be purchased from Col Bill's here.
As for the points, its 30 for the Challenge and I'll leave it up to the luvvly minion for the rest??


  1. Fantastic figures Ray!
    (also cool for a scratch I am thinking now..)
    Thanks for sharing!

    Take care my friend.

  2. Nice choice! I can hear their calls even now...

  3. Wow! Very cool, Ray; unique and lovely.

  4. Would really like to hear you pronounce their names quickly :)

    1. I'd also like to hear you pronounce them quickly!

  5. She sells sea shells etc. That´s a lovely vignette and lovely painting.
    Reminds me of something I was told once. A mate of mine told me "My GF asked me to kiss her where it smells of fish so I took her to grimsby". Apparently it´s a joke but I don´t get it.

  6. Very cool, Ray. I love the different colour hair, too. Well done.

  7. Lovely Ray! Cool names too.

  8. Very nicely done Ray, and you have nailed the water effect.

  9. Nice work Ray, I like the water effects. As you allude though, what ever will you use them for?

  10. They're quite stunning as a vignette, but I keep asking myself "WHY?" do you really have a use/need for them ?

  11. Feeric and superb Ray!!😍😍

  12. I loved this Ray, so much fun. Well done Sir.

    1. Thanks Dir M, I'm glad that you like them.

  13. Great addition Ray - I cannot see any way to get them into a game - even Pirates (perhaps Jason and the Argonauts in skirmish level?) - but they are nice girls nonetheless!

  14. Very original vignette Ray! Love the breaking waves effect.
