
Wednesday 15 April 2020

Guest Post from Reject Richard - The Battle of Distanza p3

Part 3 of a Socially Distant Wargame

The Battle of Distanza, 15 June 1746
Phase 2, 11:30am

Before I give the next update of this battle, may I first express thanks to Ray for letting me do this.  Secondly, to show my admiration to bloggers because doing this is really quite time consuming… so thanks for your dedication in sharing our hobby.

Right.  It is 11.30am and the commanders’ orders are in.  All the brigadier generals seem to be complying except for the French 1st where some head scratching is taking place.
It’s all still very much about shuffling into position and from the cavalry movement on the eastern flank about starting to turn each other’s armies.  The Austrians have quickly acquired control of Distanza.

On the eastern flank, French and Austrian heavy cavalry swiftly engage.  To the right the Royal Roussillon/Orleans chevauleger regiment faces the Austrian No 3 Palffy cuirassier regiment.  To their left, can be seen the stamping hooves of the Austrian No 4 Stampbach cuirassiers and the angrily huffing La Reine/Conde regiment.  At the sound of the trumpets, with morale soaring, they leap their mounts into the charge.

Meanwhile, to the west, the French 3rd Brigade quickly obtain the farm and Sociale but make hard work of crossing the river as the Austrian cavalry moves into view from the north.

In the centre, Marshal Ray urges his central brigades to deploy with haste.

While opposite on the eastern hill General Lee oversees his infantry's deployment.

To the south east dust rises as the cavalries’ clash.  After a protracted and close fought slog Roussillon/Orleans regiment is driven back towards their line of supply.  While by the hill, La Reine/Conde, in an equally bitter melee beat back the No4 Palffy regiment.  Neither side sustaining large casualties… yet!?

Both victorious regiments choose not to pursue but manoeuvre to face each other and charge with confident vigour.

While their flank remains in doubt, and as their lines begin to form, first fire comes from the French 2nd brigade with a ranging shot that finds its mark at long range.

At which the Austrians reply at the earliest opportunity with equal accuracy.

Back on the eastern flank La Reine/Conde and No3 Stampbach regiment fight a furious and close melee with the Austrians finally gaining the advantage by pushing the French back and killing their brigade general.  However, pursuit was impossible without the leadership of their own brigade general, who also fell in the combat.  Rather careless for both sides to lose generals!

With both brigade generals killed and no-one yet reassigned, Marshal Ray and General Lee gallop to lead their now hesitant troopers.
Across the field both sides struggle to deploy their troops.

In the west the French artillery gains security in the farm and harasses Austrian cavalry as they approach the river.  However, they only manage to do damage to some trout and carp.  However, the Austrian cavalry soon moves to place distance between them and the farm.

The French 3rd brigade finally occupies Sociale.  Try and find the building on its side.

But they control Sociale just in good time to see the Austrian 1st Brigade push through Distanza and start deploying on the central heights.

The view down the lines from above Sociale

The view from behind Distanza

So the situation is as follows at 12:15pm after some heavy cavalry engagement and their hesitant recovery in the east and opening artillery ranging shots at long range.
I’ll let you decide who is gaining an upper hand – if anyone.

Until next time.  Keep safe.


  1. Great report. Look forward to the next instalment

  2. Good to see and read of your continued gaming, Ray!

    1. Shame we still can't meet up for a face to face game. but its excellent Richard can do this for us!

  3. Most impressive pictures Ray, looks great!

  4. Looks good and entertaining, could go either way!
    Best Iain

    1. Yep, I think we're both equally worried about what's coming ext?

  5. Nice game. Looking forward to the next instalment

  6. I'm rooting for the Austrians. (Apologies to Aussie readers)
