
Tuesday 12 May 2020

AHPC X - 25mm Massachusetts Bay Militia

Yes they are for Donnybrook, I know I know!

The men of the Massachusetts Bay Militia fought in the Battle of Bloody Brook which
was fought on September 12, 1675 between militia from the Massachusetts Bay Colony and a band of Indians led by Nipmuc sachem Muttawmp. The Indians ambushed colonists escorting a train of wagons carrying the harvest from Deerfield to Hadley. They killed at least 40 militia men and 17 teamsters out of a company that included 79 militia.

Sounds to me like this could make a cool game?

Not sure what make the figures are, but I know they're ECW Irish, but they will do very
nicely for colonists in the 1670's.

These brave men of Massachusetts  earned me 40 pts in the Challenge back in March.


  1. I like the look of these. Very good mate. Now we just need a game!

  2. These look suitably 'rough' for early militia.

  3. Donnybrook you say? Is this a new project? 🤣 Lovely job Ray, they look spot on.

  4. Nice work and very militia-like with the rustic choice of colours.

  5. More great work on these additions Ray

  6. Same pose but they all look like.

  7. Always glad to look at militia units, and this one is gorgeous!

  8. Fantastic work. Beautiful and detailed paintwork! Well done Ray!
