
Saturday 2 May 2020

AHPC X - French Dragoon regt Firmacon

More figures painted during the Analogue Hobbies Painting Challenge back in March.

The Dragoons were created by the Chevalier of Firmacon, on September 14th 1673, and ranked 6th then 9th in its arm. During the late 1600's they were commanded by the following Mestres de Camp 1673 J de Cassagnet de Tilladet Chevalier Firmacon (Firmacon Dragoons)
1678 C-L Marquis of Barbezieres, (Barbezieres Dragoons)
1692 G-L Count of Estrades, (Estrades Dragoons)

The figures are from North Star 1672 range and can be found here.

They were undercoated to paint up for Challenge 8, but never made it on the painting table!
So I thought it was about time they did!

I also painted up the green coated fellows dismounted and a horse holder as well!
They're painted in their early uniform of green coat and yellow cuffs, in 1692 the uniform changed to a rather boring all green, so I stuck with the yellow distinctions for a bit of variety.


  1. Ray, your dragoons both mounted and dismounted form a great looking outfit. Nice!

  2. On an aside, do you have any images of the Redoubt wagon drivers? I;m trying to find out what they look like as possible GW stand in for Mordheim Carnival of Chaos Plague Cart

  3. Great looking Dragoons, Ray. I like the look of the uniforms of this period.

    1. Thanks Dean, I do like the green and yellow, it really stands out.

  4. That's a great colour combination, and I agree the all-green would have been a little boring.

  5. Awesome looking dragoons Ray. Great work!

  6. That's some fine brushwork Ray!

  7. Very nice unit Ray, really colourful and well painted.

  8. These look suspiciouly like they;re for Donnybrook !

  9. They look great, Ray! Dragoons can feel like twice the effort for one unit, but definitely worth while in the end :) .

  10. Always great to see another addition to the Nine Years War era contingent, French dragoons in their stocking caps in particular: nicely done!

  11. Mighty fine work Ray, bravo Sir.

  12. Great looking figures Ray and a wonderfully entertaining post as well.
