
Sunday 21 June 2020

Fathers Day 2020

Its Fathers Day here in the UK, so I painted up this fine looking fellow as a pressie for my Dad. He's a Wargames foundry figure and I've painted him up to represent the Native American Chief Metacom, otherwise known as King Philip. 

King Philip's War (sometimes called the First Indian War, Metacom's War, Metacomet's War, Pometacomet's Rebellion, or Metacom's Rebellion)was an armed conflict in 1675–1678 between indigenous inhabitants of New England and New England colonists and their indigenous allies. The war is named for Metacomet, the Wampanoag chief who adopted the name Philip because of the friendly relations between his father Massasoit and the Mayflower Pilgrims. The war continued in the most northern reaches of New England until the signing of the Treaty of Casco Bay in April 1678

And here's the little fella himself! My Dad not King Philip!
Who's also called Ray, which meant for years I was known as Little Ray?
Every Birthday, Christmas and Father's Day I paint up a figure for my Dad's collection, at the moment he's getting figures with a royal connection, hence King Philip.

Also as I've been a good boy, my wife and 4 daughters banded together and bought me this luvvly lot
of goodies for my Fathers Day pressie!
Another book for the collection Vol 3 The Armies of the Ottoman Empire 1645-1718  
from Helion & Company
and 11 packs of Trent minis from Arcane Scenary & Models
2 x Vendean Double Barrel gunned infantry
2 x French Grenadiers
1 x Chasseurs des Irois
2 x Santo Domingo Militia
4 x French Dragoons St Domingue

Hmmm? What to paint up first???


  1. Didn't you do well little Ray! Nice figure and lots more to paint!
    Best Iain

  2. Great looking present Ray!

  3. Nice gifts, I got two crates of cider. I have worked on several of Bruno's books.

  4. Nice to see Your DAD Ray- you two are so alike. We lost our Dad some 27 years ago and our Mother 40 years ago- they are still with us with many fond lovely memories. Regards. KEV. p.s., You have a lot of good Fathers Day presents- looks like Christmas!

    1. Cheers Kev, wonder what I'll get at Christmas??????

  5. Well Little Ray, that's a fine way to spend Father's Day. Looks like you scored some good gifts as well.

  6. Lovely Ray, really great post.

  7. Very lovely figure and basing, Ray. Great to see your dear old dad and the new toys too!

  8. I suppose one benefit of having a bunch of children is the larger Father’s Day haul of gifts. 😀
    Happy Father’s Day to you and your father as well.

  9. A nice gift for your Dad, and a great haul on your part there Ray.

  10. "Little Ray?", a sobriquet like "Robin Hood's Liitle John! - I like it!
    Good job on your dad's pressy and well done you too! That's a lot of stuff to keep you out of their hair.

  11. Nice haul Ray! Good to see your dad - if it weren’t for the dimensions I would've sworn you two were twins!

  12. Great load of fathers day pressies mate - you must be a very good dad to get that recognition!
