
Tuesday 21 July 2020

25mm 17th/18th century Army Camp

All of these bits and bobs were painted up a few weeks ago during the lockdown.
Some, I've had for an age, so I thought it was about time they all got a lick of paint!
I've been wanting to make a largish camp for some time now for a particular scenario written in Beneath the Lily Banners v2. Of course though I'll be swapping BLB2 rules for Donnybrook and make the scenario into a skirmish game instead.

The camp is made up of a mix of makes from several different companies.

The tents are from Rendra

The bonfires and log piles are from Bad Squiddo Games

The cooking pot and roasting pig are from Irregular miniatures.

The table is from Redoubt Enterprises, can't find a link to the table on their site.

The wheelbarrows are from Warbases

And the Bell tents are from Col Bill's  Depot Battalion

As I've already said the camp will be mainly used for my Donnybrook adventures but they will also no doubt be used for my new period the Haitian Revolution.


  1. What a great looking base for a variety of possible gaming scenarios Ray - great work as usual!

  2. That's a wonderfully comprehensive camp Ray, great to get these bits finished and on the table.

    1. The lockdown has been pretty good for getting stuff like this done.

  3. Nice job Ray - I've wanted some proper camp bits for ages - I may do something about it for the sieges (though probably not!). Anyway, you've got me thinking about it again.

    I do think you should have published a phone number for counseling in case any readers are upset. I mean, games where thousands of soldiers are blown to bits is one thing, but a model of a butchered pig will be a bit much for some folk!

    1. You could be right. Perhaps it might well upset some of those crazy veggie people.
      Oh well!

  4. Terrific looking camp Ray, all the details are great.

  5. Nothing better than a camp on a table, atmospheric and gorgeous...and nothing better than a roasting pig after a hard battle...Superb!

  6. Nice work! Very rewarding to clean out the bits bin, I bet.

  7. Is that a wee piglet I see next to the pot? Hopefully, it´s just laying there keeping warm. That´s what it´s doing eh? Do say yes.

  8. Replies
    1. Piggies, there's one dead on the floor waiting to be turned into bacon!

  9. Looking good Ray, hope to see them in a game soon.

  10. Excellent looking camp additions Ray!


  11. Splendid looking camp,lots of amenities!
    Best Iain

  12. Excellent job!
    Almost looks like they are roasting a dog. Which I guess is entirely possible...

  13. I love a bit of scatter terrain - it does liven up a tabletop! Very nice work there Ray!

  14. Loving the variety of tents, but especially the extra campsite bits and pieces - they do make it look the biz.

    1. I'm very pleased with them all, i've a few other bits and pieces tucked away, to add to the camp. Hopefully I'll get them painted up soooooon?

  15. Amazing work! They're looking so good. Your wargaming table must now be plentiful of scatter terrains!

  16. A really excellent compilation to make a 17th Century camp scene: not only nice eye candy, but I've taken notes!

  17. Fabulous terrain pieces, Ray. I see they can be used for a variety of periods and scenarios.

    1. Yep, nothing really period specific, so they should (will), be used just like that.
