
Saturday 21 November 2020

A Taste of Victory & Every Bullet has its Billet.....Yes Please!


Just in time for Christmas comes these 2 new books for the best period in wargaming history!!!

Do we actually need more books on the Wars of the Late 17th century, I hear you ask???

Oh course we bloody do!!!!

Today's post is a bit of a homage to Mr Barry Hilton as the very clever chappie wrote both of these books!

The first is the long eagerly waited A Taste of Victory. Rather than me write about the book I've pinched Barry's blurb from his League of Augsburg blog.

 "All systems appear GO! I am expecting delivery of Taste of Victory! in the third week of December so am gearing up for the pre order. Delivery will be as soon as possible after that pending the usual Christmas postal challenges.

The book is 116 pages, full colour, hardback and printed by the same company who did such a good job on With Talon and Claw.

It contains 18 scenarios for Beneath the Lily Banners. Each can be played on a table between 6 x 4 and 6 x 6 feet in size over 2-3 hours.

The period covered by these scenarios is 1676 to 1693. The theatres are: Skane Wars, Great Turkish War, Morean War, Tangier, Sedgemoor Rebellion, Jacobite Wars in Ireland and Scotland, Nine Years War in Flanders, Rhineland, The Caribbean and North America.

The book is priced at £30 and postage will be £5 anywhere in the world for the pre-order reverting to normal postage rates when it goes on general release.

It is available here to pre order:  A TASTE OF VICTORY!

Pre-order link for USA: A TASTE OF VICTORY"

The second book Every Bullet has its Billet written by Mr Hilton and published by the almighty Helion & Company, is also available in December, you can register your interest on Helion's website here.

Once again why write my own when Helion explain the book excellently.

"From the Restoration of England’s monarchy until the end of the War of the League of Augsburg, nearly every country in Europe experienced conflict. Until recently, this period was perceived as a wargaming backwater overshadowed by the Thirty Years War fought 1618-1648 and the War of the Spanish Succession which followed from 1701-1714.
It is one of military history’s most colourful and exciting eras which saw the birth of regular armies and navies for most major European powers. Massive battles were fought on land and at sea from the frozen winters of Scandinavia to the searing summer heat of North Africa. Alliances were agreed, broken and remade and thrones changed hands in the name of religion and the pursuit of power.
This guide provides the kind of information wargamers require to take the step into a new period or, begin collecting a new army. It overviews the main conflicts and outlines major, minor and unusual battles.
How to create and paint your troops, information on uniforms and flags, which regiments fought where, the evolution of tactics and battlefield doctrines together with information on the legendary commanders who created them is all included.##The book is designed to act as a reference source and is not aligned with any particular rule set.
The title is a quote from a man who was a major influence on the entire period; Willem van Oranje, King William III."


  1. Two really interesting books Ray. I hadn’t realised that Helion’s ruleset was the first in a wargame range series - splendid. the Taste of Victory scenarios sound really ‘do-able’ on those table sizes - overall a good Christmas haul!

  2. Both books look very interesting BUT do I REALLY need another Wargaming period?

  3. Are they needed? No. Are they wanted? Yes! Back when I played Dungeons and Dragons, there could never be too many gaming books.

  4. Just sent the maps off for Every Bullet a few weeks ago hope it does well. Maybe I should have went earlier than SYW but like Jonathan I don't need another period.

    1. Oh cool, didn't realise your work was in it George!

  5. Every bullet sounds interesting

  6. Sounds like a great pair of books and it's a very tempting period!
    Best Iain

  7. That should be some nice reading Ray. I'm with Jonathan though in that I don't think I could handle another period, especially after accidentally straying into medievals earlier this year.

    1. Its a drug Lawrence, we just can't help ourselves......

  8. Thanks a lot Ray - I am already under pressure to get Swedes for this period from a mate who is churning out Russian works of art at an alarming rate, thanks to his working from home because of Covid for the last several months...But wait, you don't have Covid lockdowns in New Zealand I hear you cry...correct, but if you work for a risk averse US corporate, they still insist people work from home!

  9. Thanks for the heads up Ray. Pre ordered Taste of Victory and will get the other. Funnily enough next week has been allocated to Swede painting. Timely stuff.

  10. Your excitement is contagious. It’s a period I know nothing about but I do always appreciate good wargaming. 😀

    1. You'll be painting the figures up before you know it Stew!

  11. An early Christmas present then? Helion are becoming the go-to books for gamers and these two look to be no exception.
    No doubt your two are already ordered.

    1. Of course! I wqs gonna get the Mrs and kids to get them for me for Crimbo, but I can't wait!

  12. That is a lot of monies for a book indeed!

  13. Couple of interesting looking reads :-)
