
Tuesday 23 March 2021

AHPC11 - Chamber of Challenge - Debris of War - Graveyard Beach 62 pts

Sorry folks but I've kinda ignored the second word Beach and gone with the first word, Graveyard.

 Graveyard Beach: Spooky, ghostly, undead and undying things arrive, or resurrect, here under 

Challenge Mountain. Bonus points if combined with a watery or nautical theme.

Its been an interesting Challenge for me this time around, I seem to have got the terrain bug?

Debris of War make a fantastic Graveyard set, but I wanted mine to be more rustic with a countryside look, so I bought their gravestones and different walls.

My original plan was to make a permanent model but after having a chat with Postie, I changed my mind and made it modular otherwise I think I think it would get broken. This way I can store it more easily.

The Debris of War gravestones were rather elaborate affairs only for the upper class. I wanted some plain ordinary worn out looking ones, so I bought some MDF ones from Ebay. I painted them with very watered down polyfiller to give them a stone look. I even left some unbased  to lean against the walls.

This dashing looking fellow was going to be a Ghoul/Zombie in my Shrine post, but I changed my mind and painted up the Col Bill's Ghosts. So he's moved into the Graveyard as an extra figure.
I'm not sure of the manufacturer as he and some other chums were gifted to me by me ol pal Fran, before he buggered off back to Ireland. He's part of a collection climbing out of toxic waste barrels!!

The Gravedigger is a Foundry figure from their SYW Prussian  labourers, sorry I can't find the pack on their site? The wheelbarrow and coffin are from Black Tree Design here

Now here's the really difficult bit.....the points!!
The base boards are 16 x 16 inches x 0.5 inch
The walling measure 4 x 14 inch x 1 inch high
There are 27 based Gravestones with another 5 unbased.
1 x 25mm figure
1/2 x 25mm figure
1 x coffin
1 x wheelbarrow

If the base walling and Gravestones are piled up the should make a rough box of 16 x 8 x 2.5
making a total of 1.5 boxes. giving me 30 points
1 x 25mm figure - 5 points
1/2 x 25mm figure - 3 points
1 x coffin - 2 points
1 x wheelbarrow - 2 points
Challenge Bonus - 20 points

Making a total of 62 points.

This pushed me up to No10 in the Challenge chart, the first time I broke into the upper echelons this time round with a 1477 points total.


  1. These look fab mate. Great looking graveyard.

  2. Very good looking cemetry (not graveyard as it's curretly not attached to a church!)with a nice variety of gravestones, love the not grey walls too !.

  3. Wow - very solemn images, Ray! The headstones look so realistic in their subtle, varying colors.

    1. I do have a few ideas for games revolving round the graveyard.

  4. Dead good 😬😜

    All the best. Aly

  5. Those are very nice.
