
Friday 5 March 2021

AHPC11 - The Chamber of Challenge - Tomb


My last entry on Level 2 of the Chamber of Challenge and I'm off to The Tomb...

The Tomb: Paint a tomb, a burial-mound, a barrow or a henge. Bonus points for any ghostly guardian which lives, entombed, within...

A Tomb is what Curt asked for so that's what he's gonna get.

This great looking Tomb comes as part of Debris of Wars Graveyard set. but can be bought on its own here, for the small price of £7.25

If you haven't checked out Debris of War yet please do so, they make some great items.

And for some bonus points Curt suggested adding the occupants of the Tomb, so may I present 
Mabel and Mary the Darnley Twins who both died from drowning in 1688. Their grief-stricken parents buried them together and the haunt the local cemetery. 

Mabel is a Belt Fed Girl from Col Bill and can be bought here, under the title of The White Ghost

Mary is also a Col Bills Belt Fed Girl and can be bought here, where she is known as Lenan Irish Banshee

Now here's where I get stuck on the points, the Tomb measures 70mm x 60mm x 60mm
or 3 inch x 2.5 inch x 2.5 inch. So as its just under half a cube I'd say 8 points???
But I'll leave that call to my the Minion of the day?
2 x 25mm figures gives me 10 points, plus any spooky bonus as suggested by the Dark Lord himself???

Level 3 here I come!


  1. I'd say twenty points at the least!

  2. Beautiful! Fit to many period :)

  3. Lovely work on both the tomb and the ghosts!

  4. Nice looking stonework tomb, Ray! Sad storyline of the twins too.

  5. The sculpting / posture of the ghosts is superb. I still find my eye catching your blog banner, it is amongst my favourites.

    1. Thanks Norm. Glad you like the girls and the banner.

  6. Nice job, and the twins look great as well.

  7. Great work Ray, you are certainly getting a few terrain pieces into the mix with this challenge! I like the ghostly ladies too...the Belt Fed figures have a few that I have been tempted far, only the mounted Eliz. I has actually been purchased though!

    1. Col Bill does make some great figures. I've painted up the Liz figure as well.

  8. Great looking ghosts, painting things like those is always tricky imo.

    1. To be honest, they were both a lot easier to paint up than you think.

  9. Ray,
    Great looking tomb and I love the ghosts and how you painted them.
