
Sunday 18 April 2021

AHPC11 - Ottoman Commanders - Trent Miniatures

What? More Ottomans?
I'm afraid so!
These two figures were part of  my Xmas pressie from my wife and 4 daughters.

To be totally honest I hadn't planned on painting these two figures up, but I seem to be pumping figures out at the moment, so why not? Also they should take me 10 points short of the 2000 points mark which I didn't think I'd get to let alone plan it!

But these are not Warfare Miniatures? They're Trent Miniatures!
Trent make a small but growing Early Napoleonic Ottoman range.
On the left is a Mounted Aga of the Janissaries
and on the right is a Mounted Janissary Officer.

I've painted up these two figures to use in my 1683 Ottoman army,
Naughty I know!

They're slightly bigger than Warfare Miniatures but still fit in nicely with the rest of my Ottoman force.

They'll add a mere 20 points to my total.



  1. Very nice figures and a lovely paint job Ray. Some armies, like middle eastern or Indian, you can mix and match periods like this without it being noticeable ...these will work fine for the earlier period.

  2. Only their enemies need be afraid Ray. They look smashing.

  3. Excellent! Very colorful.
    Four daughters? You are so outnumbered.

    1. Amen! Even the cat's had them chopped off, so is technically female?

  4. Very nicely done and for such things as commanders it doesn’t really matter about fitting in ๐Ÿ˜ some of Trents new pieces look very nice

  5. I am glad you decided to paint these figures, Ray! They both are real beauties!

  6. Nice work Ray. I've always wanted a Napoleonic Turkish army so will keep an eye on this emerging line.

    1. It's only a small range, but getting bigger.

  7. Excellent Ottoman commanders Ray!

  8. Very colorful Ottoman commanders, Ray! Their attire is certainly appealing.

  9. Very nice indeed Ray...
    I had a wee look at the rest of their Ottomans... there are some nice useful bits and pieces there.

    All the best. Aly

  10. Very smart indeed, Ray! Make use of the painting time and you will soon field loads when you can get your next game in!
    Best wishes,

  11. Wonderful figures and their slightly larger size shouldn;t matter as they need to stand out as commanders imo. The difference in itme period is irrelevant if they look the part imho

    1. Spot on Joe, that's what I thought as well.

  12. Nice job on the colorful garments. ๐Ÿ˜€

  13. Really nice figures mate. Looking forward to seeing these on a table sometime soon???

  14. Those look great, I will have to make a note for when I get around to Ottomans ๐Ÿ‘
