
Thursday 25 March 2021

AHPC11 - Warfare Miniatures - Ottomans Balkan Timariot Siphis for Donnybrook

More great Warfare Miniatures figures for this next post and its more Sipahis, this time from the Balkans.

Ottoman Cavalry force

Unit of Elite Sipahis of the Porte - armoured, lance, pistols and shield - 3 models
Unit of Drilled Balkan Timariot Sipahis - armoured, lance, pistols - 6 models
Unit of Drilled Anatolian Sipahis - spear, bow - 6 models
Unit of Recruit Tribal cavalry - bows - 9 models

The figures are a mix of  Lance, Pistol and Musket armed figures.
I do like the 2 chaps with pistols best. I might well have to get a few more of these???

So these 6 figures will add another 60 points to my total.
6 x Mounted 25mm figures @ 10 points each.


  1. Another fine Ottoman unit added to your impressive collection, Ray!

  2. Wow these are really great Ray. Nice animation and the basing is very effective too

    1. They're very nice figures to paint up Keith.

  3. Well done Ray, splendid Ottoman cavalry!

  4. Another great motley crew that look very rag-tag, as should they , being irregula.
